Wednesday, December 31, 2008
this is my 366th blog in 2008! Since it was a leap year, that means that I managed to make the blog truly island DAILY. (Well, sorta.)
I do not think that this feat will be repeated in 2009, but we shall see.
Happy New Year to you and yours, wherever you are!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Ways to celebrate New Year's Eve on Ocracoke
Or you can head out to Howard's Pub for live music there, which I think will be provided by Frozen Head and the Squirrels, a group which has performed there before (I haven't heard them and therefore cannot provide a review or opinion).
Or you could always stay home and watch the ball drop on TV. Or go to bed early and miss the darn ball. That's probably what I'll do, since I have to get up early to feed the baby every day, holiday or not. :)
Have fun, whatever you do to celebrate the new year!
Monday, December 29, 2008
A sad day
Sunday, December 28, 2008
A farewell potluck
At the moment, for healthcare on the island, we have Dr. Moore on duty one week, then Matt the next week, then back to Dr. Moore, and so on and so forth. Once Matt leaves, we'll have Dr. Moore one week, and then...well, it's TBD. This is one of the unique things about living on Ocracoke - you simply have to accept that some of your options are limited (unless you go off-island). There's one location for health care, one day care center, one school, one place you can get your hair cut. There are no medical specialists or dentists. I don't mind (in many ways, it makes life simpler), but I certainly can understand that it would make some people nervous about living (or even visiting) here.
We have visitors at the moment, and I don't think they are nervous. On the contrary, they greatly enjoyed the potluck (everyone is invited to an Ocracoke potluck, as long as you bring some form of food!) They commented about how great it must be to go to events like this, where you know everyone's name, and even what they will probably cook to bring and share! Things like that make the little inconveniences seem inconsequential. I would much rather live somewhere with the potlucks and sense of community we have here than in a place with multiple options for services which - while important - don't provide the same sense of belonging.
Hope you have both the services you need to care for your body, and community and friends to care for your spirit, wherever you are...
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Oysters galore!
Friday, December 26, 2008
Boxing day treats
If you don't know about the tradition of Boxing Day, you can read about it here.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Last minute
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
A show and a party
Here are a couple of pictures of the tree and the nativity scene at the church.
After the show, John and I went home and I picked up my sister Jocelyn so that the two of us could go to a party. (John wasn't invited to this was a "girl's night" thing at Amy's house.) We had a good time, and I enjoyed seeing so many of my girl-friends in the same place at the same time. That's a great thing about the holidays - being with the people we love.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Smart and funny
"For you, I have a rhinoceros."
"Doesn't he know bones are crunchy? Who wants crunchy pudding?"
"Do you have another one of these?"
"I don't know. Were you thinking 'holy sh*t, holy sh*t, a swordfish nearly went through my head'?"
"Unusual but effective."
"I like that tackling part."
Okay, so you need to see the movie for some of those to be really funny. It's all about context.
Sometimes doing something out of your normal pattern can be highly entertaining.
Windy and cold
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Luminaries and lights
After driving past the nativity, we stayed in the car, wandering around the village to check out the Christmas lights on the houses and businesses. We saw several good ones (including all the award winners), but in general it seems that there are fewer decorated places this year than during previous Christmas seasons. Maybe a result of the general downturn in the economy, which of course affects people on Ocracoke just as it does folks everywhere else (perhaps more, since most island residents are dependent on tourism for their incomes; and discretionary spending - including travel - may be one of the first areas that people cut back when times are tight). I don't know if this is the reason for the fewer lighted homes or not, but it makes sense to me that it might be.
Hope Christmas will be full of light for you, wherever you are, and whatever the economy does...
Friday, December 19, 2008
Full day of Christmas fun
Hot chocolate just tastes better when stirred with a candy cane!
The afternoon event was the Christmas party at Ocracoke Child Care. Connor had fun, even though his mommy and I made (and then ate) all of the treats on his behalf!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Life affirming
Here are a few pictures, starting with the cute "Rudolph"-singing pre-K and Kindergarten kids.
The first graders showed us how to do the "merry hula".
There were several duet performances by talented young musicians.
The third through fifth graders wished the audience a Merry Christmas, Ocracoke style.
My favorite part is always the finale, when the entire school population (students, teachers, and staff) piles onto the stage to sing "Merry Christmas".
Hope this season is life affirming for you, wherever you are...
Stockin' up
You really can get most of what you need right here on the island at either the Community Store or the Variety Store, but there aren't always quite as many options as you find at other places. Many times - like in the often-overwhelming cereal aisle - that's a GOOD thing. Anyway, when we leave the island for any reason, shopping is usually part of the excursion. The challenge for us becomes how to get all the goodies into our car (a Sebring convertible), along with the three adults and one baby already in there! John is really good at packing things into every available space, though, so we got it all in there. The funny thing was we didn't do that much Christmas shopping; instead, we stocked up on neccessities like food, cleaning supplies, etc. But there's only so much space, so something had to give. I think this is one of the reasons that so many of the people who live on the island have large vehicles - trucks and SUVs, mostly.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tired and stressed
But all that activity often leaves me tired, and the desire to do lots of things to get ready for Christmas (decorating, shopping, planning for family visits, etc.) takes a toll as well. So if I seem a bit stressed (and even possibly grouchy), that's why.
Hope the holidays are not stressing you out, or wearing you out...wherever you are.
Monday, December 15, 2008
- One guy was completely bundled up - of course, he's completely covered (head to toe, including hooded sweatshirt) every day when he runs, even in July.
- One was not very covered up at all, especially considering it was a bit chilly.
- One was wearing medium-coverage clothing.
I admire them for running in cold weather. Heck, I admire them for getting some exercise in any weather. I seem to lack the discipline or focus or something.
I believe there are only three reasons that adults should run:
- exercise
- emergency/danger
- the ferry is about to leave; your car is on the ferry, but your body is not. I have run for the third reason, luckily haven't had too many times I needed to run for the second reason. And the first reason? Well, I do believe in exercise. I just choose to walk. I can look much more coordinated and graceful while walking.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Indulging my inner child
For pictures, check out
this entry on Connor's blog.
Christmas is a great time to act childlike. I recommend it!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Cookies and 'cue
The first event was the annual Friends of the Library cookie exchange. Talk about delicious! This was a feast for all the senses, though, not just the taste buds. Before the cookie exchange part started, several Ocracoke School students performed stories and musical pieces.
Here are a few pictures.
The cookie table before...
Musical and story performances:
...and the cookie table after! I took two dozen cookies to exchange, so I got to take two dozen assorted cookies home with me. Aaaah, I feel the sugar rush coming on already...
The second event was also an annual one, and this one was (and always is) EXTREMELY well attended. Literally hundreds of people come to this, the largest potluck on the island each year. I'm talking about Jimmy's Garage Party. Each year, the Jackson family provides the barbecue, and the island brings the side items and desserts. It's seriously good eating! Last year, I overindulged so much I had a stomachache. So this year, I came prepared. I skipped lunch!
Hope you are enjoying delicious holiday celebrations, too!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Ocrafolk Christmas 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Zicam and chicken soup friends
A couple of days ago, when I started to feel this cold coming on, I was talking about it to my friend Jamie. She suggested I try Zicam, and I lamented the fact that I would have done just that, if I hadn't discovered that my Zicam sprayer was completely clogged and non-functional.
Yesterday morning, I went to the Health Center (with John, for a previously-scheduled appointment, not for my cold) and saw Jamie there (she works as the receptionist). She told me she was hoping that the Zicam she ordered for me online would arrive today, so I could use it to stop the cold before it got much worse (and hopefully be able to sing with her at the concert). Warm fuzzy moment. I was so touched by the fact that she ordered it for me.
Last night, the cold was unfortunately worse (the Zicam didn't make it), so I called Jamie to let her know I would not be coming to the Madri-Gals rehearsal, partially because I couldn't sing worth a hoot, but mostly because I didn't want to get all the other "Gals" sick. (Madri-Gals is what we call our group. We guessed it...madrigals.)
Today, Linda (one of the Madri-Gals) brought me some homemade chicken soup, a holiday candle, and her wishes that I get well in time for the concert. The soup was delicious, and wonderfully soothing to my sore throat. I haven't lit the candle yet, because I couldn't smell it right now anyway!
Have I mentioned recently how blessed I feel to have friends like these? Probably not recently enough. So here it is: I feel incredibly, wonderfully, remarkably, ocmpletely blessed to have friends like these. Hope you have fantastic friends too, wherever you are...
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Later in the day, and on into the evening, it rained for several hours. The temperature was still warm, though. I have heard that the warm weather is supposed to stick around through the weekend, which would be lovely. We just bought a four wheel drive vehicle (finally!) and I want to take it for another drive on the beach!
I love warm weather in winter. It's like an unexpected surprise gift, and I'm much more likely to take advantage of it by doing something outdoors than I am during the warmer months, when I tend to take it for granted and think "I'll do that tomorrow".
Hope you're enjoying the weather (and doing the things you enjoy), wherever you are...
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
A wassailing
After the tree lighting, DeAnna led the crowd in singing a few Christmas carols, which got me into the holiday mood. I love singing Christmas carols, and often do so in March and July and...well whenever one comes to mind.
But the best part about the wassail party is always the cookies! There were some seriously delicious goodies this year: Jamie's wonderful haystacks, delectable mint chocolate bars, yummy peanut butter cookies with chocolate kisses on top, and fantastic cheese cookies (think cheese straws, but in a cookie shape). Rosemary made those and they were terrific - it was nice to have something to munch on with a savory flavor, in addition to all the sweetness.
My friend Ruth suggested that the recipes for the goodies should be put with the plates, so people could take home the ones they loved the best. I took a plate of petit fours to the museum for the party, and if recipe cards were required, mine would have the URL of the website from which I ordered them on it. Yes, really, that's what I did. I love to bake, but I'm much better with cake than with cookies. And this time of year, with so much going on, sometimes I just have to take the simple road.
Hope your life is full of sweetness (store bought or homemade), wherever you are...
Monday, December 8, 2008
And even more...
- Caroling - Friday Dec. 19, 5 PM, meet at Methodist Church
- Assembly of God Church Christmas program - Sunday Dec. 21, 7 PM
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Holiday lights
Later in the day, I took a short drive around the village and could see the decorations which had been added over the weekend. It was interesting to see them, but they weren't particularly beautiful. It was daylight. They will be gorgeous after dark, and I will definitely drive around again one night to experience and enjoy them.
I think the fact that it is so dark so early this time of year is the reason that Christmas lights are so magical. It's probably also the reason that many of the seasonal celebrations - regardless of culture - involve a celebration of light in some form. Jews observing Hanukkah light candles to remember a miracle of oil which lasted longer than expected, providing light for eight nights. Children wear candles on their heads during the Swedish celebration of Saint Lucia each year on December 13th. Seven candles are lit during Kwanzaa to commemorate principles of African American culture. Those are just the examples which come quickly to mind.
Hope there's plenty of light in your winter darkness, wherever you are...
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Christmas shopping
In case you're wondering where Santa does his Christmas's apparently the Variety Store!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Island greenery
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Upcoming holiday events...
- Photos with Santa - Saturday Dec. 6, 10 AM - 12 noon, Variety Store
- Holiday Open Houses - Saturday Dec. 6, 1 - 4 PM, School Road shops
- OPS Wassail Party and Community Tree Lighting - Tuesday Dec. 9, 5 - 7 PM, OPS Museum
- Ocrafolk Christmas Concert - Thursday Dec. 11, 7 PM, Community Center
- Cookie Exchange - Saturday Dec. 13, 11 AM, Library
- Jimmy's Garage Party - Saturday Dec. 13, 5 PM until..., Jimmy's Garage of course!
- Books to be Red Children's Christmas Party - Sunday Dec. 14, 3 - 4:30 PM, Community Center
- School Christmas Concert - Thursday Dec 18, 7 PM, School Gym
- Live Nativity - Saturday Dec. 20, Ocracoke United Methodist Church (I'm not sure of the time for this at the moment but will update this post once I have that info.)
- Christmas Eve Service - Wednesday Dec. 24 (of course!), 7 PM, United Methodist Church
Have fun if you go to any of these events. (Or, even if you don't...have fun wherever you are!)
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Box of Moonlight
I find the house names interesting. They make me wonder about the people who named them, and what the story is which was the inspiration for the name. Some of them are easy to figure out: they feature the names of the owners of the house (Arabella's Summer House, Chris and Mabels, and Gregory, for example). Others are named for island areas or things found here (Blue Crab, Ariosto (a shipwreck), Carolina Winds, and Far Away Oaks are some of these). Some are funny or play on words (A Shore Thing, Art-Sea, Dare to Hyde, Waterfront.calm, and House with No Name are a few of my favorites). There's one near my house named for a feature of a TV show (Bikini Bottom), and another whose name reminds me of a Jimmy Buffet song (Changes in Attitude). Several have "deep thoughts" sort of names (Contentment, Carpe Diem, Serendipity, Serenity, Tranquility).
And there are many which don't lend themselves to an obvious explanation. Why would someone name a house Blind Mullet? Or Court Jester? Fresh Fruit? Nutter Tree?
I had often wondered about the derivation of the name of a house called Box of Moonlight, but I don't need to wonder any more. Philip told me that the owner named it after a movie of the same name. Philip also recommended the movie, so I watched it tonight. It's a quirky independent flick, and I liked it. I wouldn't name my house after it, but I did like it.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
I love holiday traditions. We already have several in my family, including what we put on the tree, when we open presents (one each on Christmas Eve, everything else the next morning), which of us hands out the presents to everyone else (and the hat she wears!), and the fact that one present will be a puzzle which we'll do later in the day.
Because I love traditions so much, there can never be too many! So I have started a few additional ones in the past few years. This year, I started two more: The Elf on the Shelf and a "countdown to advent" activity. (I can't help's the kid in me who just wants to play this time of year!) I heard a sweet story last night at the Women's dinner, which gave me an idea for yet another tradition. I'll have to start that one next year!
Monday, December 1, 2008
'Tis the season!
I hurried home from the ferry, changed my clothes, wrapped a gift, and headed right back out to the annual Ocracoke United Methodist Women's Christmas dinner and gift exchange. I always enjoy this evening of terrific food, singing carols, and giving (and receiving) the first presents of the season, so I wouldn't have missed it for the world even though I had to sneak in the back since I got there late!
After dinner, I updated the calendar on my refrigerator with some of the upcoming holiday events: the OPS Wassail Party and Community Tree Lighting, the Ocrafolk Christmas concert, the Cookie Exchange at the Library, Jimmy's Garage Party, pictures with Santa for the kids, the Books to Be Red children's Christmas party, caroling, the Live Nativity...and I'm sure there will be others I'll have to add to the calendar as I learn about them.
'Tis the season to be...busy! Hope you have fun with your holiday celebrations, whatever they may be and wherever you are...
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Christmas shopping opportunity
To make it even more fun, the School Road merchants are hosting their annual holiday open house event on Saturday Dec. 6th from 1 to 4 PM. They will be offering light refreshments and holiday discounts. And there's such a wide variety of stores there, it may be possible to do ALL your shopping in one trip! Here's a list of the participating stores (and one restaurant):
Books to Be Red
Deepwater Pottery
The Gathering Place
The Hemp Shop
Ocracoke Restoration Co.
The Sunglass Shop
Thai Moon
Zillie's Island Pantry
And if you need some inspiration or encouragement, here's a note on why it's a great idea to shop on Ocracoke, from the flier announcing the event:
When you shop locally you keep money in our economy, you embrace what makes Ocracoke unique, you create local jobs, you help the environment, you invest in our entrepreneurship, and you keep us as a shopping destination.
Who knew? You can do all those good things just by shopping!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Strangely enough, it wasn't that bad. We found a parking space pretty easily and the mall was not horribly crowded. There were plenty of people there, but it wasn't so busy as to make it difficult to walk through the hallways. That may be because we were there late in the day, or it may be a bad sign for retailers this holiday season. Time will tell.
Stay tuned...tomorrow's blog will provide info. about a calmer, slower, less crowded holiday shopping method and opportunity.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
More song
Ocrafolk Festival, which will be held June 5 - 7, 2009.
There are usually bake sale items available at the concert, too, which is an added bonus. If you go to the concert, enjoy both the music and a goodie (something chocolate) for me!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Wine and song...
Here are a couple of Thanksgiving week events happening in the next few days. If you are on the island, maybe you can enjoy one or both of them! (I'm in Mississippi so will miss both...darnit!)
Wine tastings at Zillie's:
Wednesday November 26 AND Friday, November 28 at 6 p.m.
Enjoy 5 wines paired with light hors d'oeuvres from the Pantry and get 10% off your entire purchase during the tasting! Call (252) 928-9036 to reserve your spot.
And now for the song...Martin and Friends will be playing at Howard's Pub starting at 7 PM on Wednesday November 26th.
A walk on the beach
Just kidding on that second part - I am actually really glad that there is no development on the beach on Ocracoke. Even though I appreciated the convenience of the short walk to get to the beach (down the drive of the condo complex and across the street), the fact that the view to my side as I walked down the sand was of high-rise buildings was a reminder of how lucky we are that the island's beaches are still all natural. I also hadn't realized how clean our beaches are until I saw the amount of litter here. Tomorrow I'll have to take a plastic bag with me on my walk.
Monday, November 24, 2008
But now I get to stay here for a week, spending time with family and remembering what I'm thankful for.
Hope you get to be with family this Thanksgiving, too, wherever you are...
Friday, November 21, 2008
Great Greek!
I went for dinner with two friends: Jamie and Linda. The great thing about that was that we shared our meals, tasting each other's items so that we could experience and enjoy several different items. It was all delicious!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Bryan Bowers, storyteller?
I tried to get a photograph of Bryan while he didn't have an autoharp strapped to his chest, so you could see his shirt. I enjoyed the sentiment on it greatly, but unfortunately did not get a picture which shows it clearly enough for you to be able to read it, so I'll just have to tell you: it said "Transcend the bullshit".
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
And another...
The potluck last night was particularly terrific, for two reasons:
1. The kitchen table at Sundae's house was loaded with steamed oysters. John stayed in that spot the entire evening, shucking and munching. (And he shucked several for other people as well, including me.) Yum!
2. There was terrific music after the meal. Folks often play music at potlucks, and it is usually the highlight of the evening, but last night was particularly great, as Bryan Bowers (whom you can see in concert tonight at Deep Water Theater if you are here on the island) shared several songs.
Bryan encouraged the young 'uns to play as well, so Molly and Caroline played a few on their violins, with support from their instructor Dave.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Girls night
It reminded me of a great quote:
Good communication is as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after.
~ Ann Morrow Lindbergh
Monday, November 17, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Soundfront Inn
The view of Pamlico Sound from the long upstairs porch is terrific!
Guests are still welcome at Soundfront. It's no longer operating as an Inn, but the house can be rented through Ocracoke Island Realty.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Potluck and a movie
After the meal, most of the guests stayed to watch a documentary called "Home of the Brave", about civil rights activist Viola Liuzzo. Most of us had never heard of her, and I suspect you may not have either, but she certainly had an impact on the civil rights movement. Examples like that - of people who are obscure, unknown, certainly not famous, who still make a difference and yet are unremembered - fascinate me. Unfortunately, as in many of those cases, the reason Viola's life made a difference was because it ended - she was murdered while helping drive marchers home after the Selma to Montgomery marches in 1965. If you are interested in the civil rights movement, you will probably enjoy the film.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Spotted on Ocracoke
No, I didn't see him myself (darnit), but yes I do have this information from a reliable source. And unfortunately Jimmy has left the island. Darnit again.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Beach access meeting update
National Park Service News Release
CONTACT: 252-473-2111 ext. 148
Information Available on NPS ORV Management Alternatives
Superintendent Mike Murray announces that information about off-road vehicle (ORV) management alternatives being considered by the National Park Service (NPS) for Cape Hatteras National Seashore has been provided to the Seashore’s ORV management negotiated rulemaking advisory committee. The information is also available to the public and has been uploaded to the PEPC website, under ORV Management Plan project, entitled 2008 11Nov 05 – ORV EIS Alternatives:
“For clarification, NPS is not seeking or considering public comment on these materials at this time. We are sharing this information with the negotiated rulemaking advisory committee now solely for members' use in negotiating a consensus alternative for recommendation to the NPS,” said Superintendent Mike Murray. “NPS highly values public input in the planning process and will actively seek public comment on the draft environmental impact statement (DEIS) when it is released for public review in the early fall of 2009.”
If you have further questions, call 252-473-2111 ext. 148.
The next meeting will be held on Friday and Saturday, November 14-15. The public comment time is still at noon and 5:30 pm on Friday and noon on Saturday.
Upcoming concert
Bryan Bowers in Concert ~ 7:30 PM, Wednesday, November 19th at Deepwater Theater sponsored by the Ocrafolk Festival Outreach Program & the Ocracoke Preservation Society. Bryan will also be giving an autoharp workshop on Wednesday at 4:00 PM at Deepwater Theater. Both events are free and open to the public, donations to the Ocrafolk Festival are welcome. For more information contact David Tweedie at or 252-928-3411 or visit or
Bryan Bowers biography
Born August 18, 1940 in Yorktown, Virginia, Bryan Bowers was raised in New Bohemia near Petersburg of the Civil War's Battle Of The Crater fame. As a child, Bowers would tag along with the field workers and gandy dancers and learned to sing old call-and-answer songs. Bowers recalls, "The music I heard while working in the fields was mesmerizing. And, I'd see the gandy dancers coming down the tracks, setting the rails and getting their ties straight. You've heard that song `Whup Boys, Can't you line 'em?, Chack a lack.' Whup Boys, can't you line 'em? was the call the leader would sing. Chack a lack was the bounce-back of the hammer after falling on the pin. I just thought that music was something that everyone did. It was years later that I realized what I'd been raised around."
Bowers enrolled at Randolph Macon College in Ashland, Virginia, but found that college was not satisfying an emptiness he felt. Three hours short of earning a degree in Spanish, Bowers dropped out. About the same time (the late '60s), Bowers discovered music when he took up the guitar. "The roots of the music had gone real deep in me. Music was real fulfilling, unlike anything I had ever done before."
It wasn't long before Bowers encountered the autoharp. "I ran into a guy that played several instruments and could get the harp in good tune. He played without any fingerpicks, just with his fingernails. He had a real sprightly style on it. It was the first time I'd heard someone play it in good tune and play it well. It opened my eyes and my ears. I went out and got one the next day."
Bryan relocated to Seattle, WA in 1971 and played for coins as a street singer and in bars for the right to pass the hat. Once he had polished his technique, he headed east in a 1966 Chevy panel truck he affectionately called "Old Yeller." "The Dillards heard me in DC when I went to the Cellar Door," recalls Bowers. "I introduced myself and played the `Battle Hymn Of The Republic' to show them how the harp worked. Sam Bush, Curtis Burch and Courtney Johnson of the New Grass Revival were there. I didn't realize how presumptuous I was being. The Dillards took me to a bluegrass festival at Berryville, Virginia and when they got an encore, they put me out there for their second encore, saying `Here's a guy you ought to hear.' The bluegrass community has been real supportive."
Bower's creativity and talent have won him induction into Frets Magazine's First Gallery of the Greats after five years of winning the stringed instrument, open category of the magazine ›s readers' poll. This distinction put Bowers along side other luminaries, such as Chet Atkins, David Grisman, Stephan Grappelli, Itzhak Perlman, Tony Rice, Rob Wasserman and Mark O'Connor, recognized for their personal accomplishments. In 1993, Bryan was inducted into the Autoharp Hall of Fame to stand only with Maybelle Carter, Kilby Snow, and Sara Carter.
From his rather unglamorous beginning as a street singer, Bryan Bowers has become a major artist on the traditional music circuit. He has redefined the autoharp and is also well known as a singer-songwriter. Bryan has a dynamic outgoing personality and an uncanny ability to enchant a crowd in practically any situation. His towering six foot four inch frame can be wild and zany on stage while playing a song like `Dixie' and five minutes later he can have the same audience singing `Will The Circle Be Unbroken' in quiet reverence and delight.
For nearly three decades, Bryan Bowers has been to the autoharp what Earl Scruggs was to the five-string banjo. He presents instrumental virtuosity combined with warmth, eloquence, expression and professionalism.
"To call Bryan Bowers' performance simply a 'concert' would be inadequate if not inaccurate ... (it) could better be described as an experience!"
-Deseret News
"Bowers is widely regarded as the leading virtuoso on the autoharp... Bowers also has distinct gifts as a singer and songwriter."
-People Magazine
"...This man makes more music from an Autoharp than you can imagine from a 12-string guitar and a harpsichord combined. He has more stage presence and charisma than any stage performer in recent memory."
-The Washington Times
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
After the meal, Walt showed a portion of the recently released DVD from the NC Language and Life Project, "Carolina Brogue". What he showed was the special features, which were three short tributes to well known and loved (and, now, missed) Ocracokers David Esham, Roy Parsons, and Muzel Bryant. Family and friends of the three had been invited to attend the potluck and meeting, and several were there. The tributes were touching, and seemed to be enjoyed by all. If you knew any of those three O'cockers (or even if you didn't, but if you just enjoy hearing and/or learning more about the Ocracoke brogue), I highly recommend the DVD. They are available from the OPS museum and would make excellent Christmas gifts for anyone who loves Ocracoke.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Going out of our way for BBQ
Sunday, November 9, 2008
A long line, and a full jar
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Community support
The structure of the Youth Center yard sale was that you could donate items for them to sell, or you could set up your own table to sell stuff and then give them a portion of your proceeds. I had a box of things I wanted to sell, so I opted for this method. Unfortunately, I failed to consider the impact of being surrounded by other people who were also selling their stuff, not to mention the impact of visiting the other two yard sales. My point? I bought way much more than I sold, returning home with more than I had when I left! Ah, was for a good cause.
This particular set of autumn yard sales has become an annual event, and I always enjoy participating. I love watching the community in action, supporting each other.
After the yard sales, I went to the Post Office and saw two flyers which reminded me about a couple of additional upcoming events of community support. Tomorrow, the Cafe Atlantic will be serving brunch for the only time this season. (I am very excited about this, as I've been jonesing for Cafe brunch ever since they announced they were no longer going to be serving it!) Then, on Friday the 21st a benefit lunch of BBQ chicken plates will be served at the Hyde County Government Center. Both of these events are to benefit a member of the community who has recently been diagnosed with cancer. I know that both events will be very well attended, because that's just one of the things this community does well: support each other.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Cake for breakfast and weather over water
This afternoon at 2, I went to the school to read to the first graders. I had been inside all day up to that point. As I was getting on my bicycle, I heard a ferry horn. I thought nothing of it. About a minute later, the horn sounded again. I thought "that's odd". A minute later, it sounded again. Now I was getting really curious. I heard the horn about 6 to 8 times in the time it took me to ride from my house to the school. As Alice would say, I thought it was "curiouser and curiouser".
When I got to the school, I heard the horn again and said something to Mary Ellen about it. She said, "it's because of the fog". Fog? I had no clue there was fog. There wasn't any in the village (or at least I hadn't seen any during my short ride to the school). It's fascinating to me how the weather over the water often differs quite a bit from that over land. (Mary Ellen said that earlier in the day it had indeed been quite foggy in the village, but I had missed that since I was indoors all morning.)
Thursday, November 6, 2008
The last supper
Tonight, I was a complete pig and ate (well, at least ordered) one of all of the above. I wanted to have a full Cafe experience, since it has to last me several months! So I started with my favorite appetizer (not just at the Cafe - this is my favorite appetizer of all appetizers), then went on to have an entree (which comes with salad and bread). I was too full to eat dessert, but still ordered one and brought it home. It will probably be tomorrow before I have room for it!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Power outage and Lake Sunset
The reason for this particular outage is - I assume - related to the rain we had last night. Here's a view of the street outside my house, which I dubbed "Lake Sunset". The water is not terribly deep, but there's certainly plenty of it.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Funny election day thought
That's not the funny election day thought, though. The actual funny election day thought is available (in song, no less!) on It's today's "wootcast", and I found it quite humorous. You can listen to the ditty here. (The song starts after the first few seconds of general wootcast info.) Enjoy!
Last minute book shopping
Monday, November 3, 2008
Morning errands, small town style
First, I went to the church. It was unlocked, of course, so I could pop into the back and pick up a copy of the daily devotional magazine Upper Room for November and December (which I forgot to grab yesterday morning).
Then, I went to the Post Office. I got there a few minutes before they opened. That usually doesn't matter, as the boxes are accessible 24x7, so you can always get your mail, but when I emptied my box I discovered I had a package, so I waited for Celeste to come in for the day, chatting with a handful of other people as they came and went. Once she arrived, Celeste gave me not only my package but also a handful of extra Ocracoker newspapers, as there's a picture of Connor on the front. Then Barbara helped me carry my mail to the car, as I had a medium box, another small package, a handful of mail, and Connor in his carrier.
At the Variety Store, I talked with several people, all of whom oohed and aahed over Connor (he IS really cute). Marcy, specifically, really liked his outfit (she had given it to me for him the day before). After I was done shopping, Jim carried the groceries out to the car for me (since I had hands full with Connor). He got ahead of me while I was putting the cart back, but that didn't matter since he knows which car is mine.
Finally, I went to the water plant to pay my bill. Janie and I picked up our conversation right where we had left it off when I stopped by to pay last month's bill.
When I got home, I realized that through the entire hour or so it took to run my errands, I had been smiling. It was a terrific way to start a Monday!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
I've stopped answering my phone...
Here's something that bugs me about the calls: I'm a registered (well it doesn't matter, but I'm registered with one party), and that's the only party that calls me. I find that annoying, like the other party has just completely given up on any possibility that I might even consider them. I think I'll change my registration to independent. Of course, that will just double the number of calls I get, so maybe I won't.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Hangin' out at the coffee shop
Girl Scout chocolate covered raisins, I swear, are more addictive than crack. (No, I don't actually know this by experience, having never compared the two, but I do know that I could eat an entire can of chocolate covered raisins if someone doesn't stop me!) This fact has become well known by Sundae. I called her in a mild state of panic last fall, hoping that she still had cans left over from the sale, only to be disappointed when she didn't. Then in spring, I was crushed to discover that chocolate covered raisins are only sold during the FALL Girl Scout sales, and I would have to wait several more months before I could satisfy my craving! This year, I think I'm set. I ordered several cans from Caroline, to make sure I wouldn't run out.
But that's not the end of the story. Sundae, who is one of the Girl Scout leaders, suggested to Leslie (one of the other leaders) that they order a couple of cases of extra items, and have a "booth" type sale of them, setting up at the Variety Store or somewhere similar. When Leslie expressed concern about ordering a whole case, Sundae said "don't worry about it...if we don't sell any of the chocolate covered raisins, John and Kati will buy the whole case!"
But that's still not the end of the story. While we were sitting at the Coffee shop enjoying our snacks, John asked Sundae how many cans were in a case. She told him, he did some quick math, handed her the money and said "I'll take the whole case of raisins". We stopped by Leslie's house to pick them up, and her husband Bill expressed his surprise, saying "I thought I had heard you wrong when you said you were here to buy a case...I thought surely you meant a CAN". So now I have somewhere in the neighborhood of 16 cans of chocolate covered raisins in my pantry (good thing we have a big pantry). That certainly should significantly decrease the likelihood that we'll run out before the Girl Scouts fall sale in 2009. Probably.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Blogging is a different type of writing for me. I'm much less formal here, and often use colloquialisms or odd phrases. It's an interesting sensation to wonder whether my readers will hear a sentence like "What's that about?" in their minds the way I hear it in mine and therefore the way I intend it to be heard. It's this need to trust that my audience will find what I mean that makes writing a real challenge. Which is why I'll probably never give it up...even when I'm sitting and staring at a blank Word document or blog entry form and wondering why I'm doing this again.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Ferry schedule changes
Number of runs reduced to lower fuel costs
MANNS HARBOR — The North Carolina Department of Transportation's Ferry Division today announced changes to its schedule at the Hatteras to Ocracoke route in an effort to reduce fuel.
Ferries are now making hourly runs instead of half-hour runs from 5 a.m. until midnight daily, based upon traffic demands. Double ender vessels will be used on first and second runs to increase capacity and ensure vendor traffic is handled. The 10 p.m. departure will not run unless there is significant traffic.
An amended schedule will be run over the holidays to allow for visitors. From Nov. 25-30 and from Dec. 16 to Jan. 5, 2009, half hour runs will be added from 10:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m., with the hourly runs continuing as stated above. Also if traffic is heavy, half hour runs will be added as early as 7:30 a.m. through as late as 6:30 p.m.
Additional ferries will be available to assist with traffic, if needed, and a contingency plan is in place in the event of special circumstances.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Anyway, I have several blogs in draft and need to get caught up for the month of October...but it may be a few days before I do so!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Lost and found
Music, dancing, and stories
Philip Howard taught the enthusiastic group (mostly participants in this week's Ocrafolk School sessions) the basic moves, and then called them through the first dance. It looked like everyone enjoyed themselves, although many of them were commenting that dancing is good exercise, and most left after the first round. A smaller group did one more dance, during which I danced with Philip (Merle, who had been his partner for the first dance, decided to sit the second dance out). I always enjoy square dancing with Philip, as he is really great at swinging me around. Tonight, he tried to get me dizzy by swinging us around over and over, but only succeeded in making himself dizzy. It was pretty funny.
My favorite part of the evening, though, was after the event was over. I happened to walk out with Philip, and he told me several funny stories about O'cockers, some of whom are no longer alive. I always love hearing about the lives of the people whose families have made this island home for generations.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Saturday of sales
On Ocracoke, I love yard sales. They usually start later, no one does any banging or barging, and haggling is minimal or skipped entirely. I've purchased some terrific things at island yard sales, and even enjoyed them even when I didn't buy anything.
I will be in yard sale heaven on Saturday Nov. 8th. There are three sales planned:
- one on the lawn of the Pony Island Inn, to raise money for the Ocracoke Youth Center (starts at 9 AM)
- one at the Methodist church (also starting at 9 AM; they'll be selling food (sandwiches/soup/bake sale items) later too)
- one at the Assembly of God church (this one starts at 7 AM, and they also will be selling food (I think they said fried chicken, but don't remember for sure) at this one as well
Sounds like I have another full Saturday ahead of me!
An interesting way to shop
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Great book
Saturday, October 25, 2008
A full day
Today, I went to several events. It started with baby play group in the morning - a fun time of watching a group of lively toddlers have a blast playing with toys and each other. I especially enjoyed watching Connor watch them.
In the afternoon, I attended a baby shower for Jason and Brooke Wells, to celebrate the impending arrival of their first baby, a boy (Griffin John-Ivey). The food at the shower was terrific (one of my favorite items was the blue M&Ms with Griffin's name on half of them and "It's a Boy" on the other half), and Jason and Brooke were indeed showered with gifts and blessings.
Then, there was the evening activity: the annual "October birthdays" potluck at Sundae's house. It was a time of more excellent food and plenty of great conversation.
It was a very full day, and I was tired at the end of it...but it was fun, and I wouldn't have missed a minute!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Halloween carnival
Here are a few pictures from the event.
Face painting by art teacher Miss Kitty is always a favorite activity at the carnival.
There are games of skill and chance for the kids to enjoy, and plenty of prizes!
The coin toss (onto plates or into bottles) is usually popular - with the adults.