Sunday, December 7, 2008

Holiday lights

This morning at church, Joyce asked the kids what was missing on the Christmas tree. They immediately said that it was the lights. So Joyce asked one of the older kids to plug in the cord. The tree sparkled to life and was instantly more lovely than it had been seconds before. The funny thing was that the lights had been there before they were plugged in - but the magic wasn't there until they were lit.

Later in the day, I took a short drive around the village and could see the decorations which had been added over the weekend. It was interesting to see them, but they weren't particularly beautiful. It was daylight. They will be gorgeous after dark, and I will definitely drive around again one night to experience and enjoy them.

I think the fact that it is so dark so early this time of year is the reason that Christmas lights are so magical. It's probably also the reason that many of the seasonal celebrations - regardless of culture - involve a celebration of light in some form. Jews observing Hanukkah light candles to remember a miracle of oil which lasted longer than expected, providing light for eight nights. Children wear candles on their heads during the Swedish celebration of Saint Lucia each year on December 13th. Seven candles are lit during Kwanzaa to commemorate principles of African American culture. Those are just the examples which come quickly to mind.

Hope there's plenty of light in your winter darkness, wherever you are...

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