Thursday, April 30, 2009


Some people spring clean. Okay, most people spring clean. I am not a huge fan of cleaning, so I haven't yet done any official spring cleaning. I do, however, like to organize things.

So the other day I had a moment. I opened a drawer in my kitchen and just knew it was time to fix it. I didn't take a "before" picture, but you can imagine what it was like. You probably have a junk drawer like this in your house - you know, the one with the random ketchup packets, clips, plastic wrap, twist ties, ziploc bags, etc, etc.

Mine was ridiculous. It was difficult to find anything in there, plus it was somewhat scary just to open it and wonder what you might find next.

So after I had my moment of realization that something had to change about this ^%$#* drawer, I remembered that I had available to me just the items I would need for the perfect solution: many, many empty plastic containers which had prevoiusly contained baby food.

Here's the "after" picture.

Okay, so maybe the OCD-ness of this drawer is scarier than the mess was. But hey, it works for me, and I can now find everything in there!

Hope your life is not too disorganized (unless you like it that way!), wherever you are...

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

It's a porch

I blogged a while ago about the fact that it looked like the building which used to be Captain Ben's, and which is slated to open as Jimmy's Buffet sometime in May, was going to be expanded or added on to, or something to that effect. Well, the project has made enough progress that it is now obvious that what they've done is add a porch. Here's a picture.

You can learn more about the restaurant here.

I am looking forward to trying this new restaurant, and will blog about it once it opens and I am able to do so. At $28 per person for adults, though, I may only eat there once!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Morning gathering

John and I took the first ferry to Cedar Island this morning, at 7:30. For once, we were actually ready to leave home with plenty of time to spare, so we went to the gas station to get some breakfast. I didn't even think about what time they opened, I just drove over there like they would be waiting for me, with hot biscuits ready to go.

As I pulled up, I noticed it was really busy. There were about 6 other cars there (yes, around here, at least this time of year, that constitutes "really busy"). Then, as I turned into the lot, I realized that all of the people who had been in those cars were standing around in the lot - waiting for the station to open. It was only a couple of minutes before 7:00, so we joined everyone else in the wait. We were quickly rewarded with sausage biscuits and drinks, which we took over to the ferry docks and ate while we waited to board.

Sitting in line, I realized that the vehicles in front of and behind mine had been at the gas station with me a few minutes ago. Guess we weren't the only ones with the idea to grab a bit of breakfast before the long ride!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Names we're hoping not to hear

The 2009 hurricane names have been announced. Here's hoping we don't hear too much about or from any of these "folks" this year:

Ana, Bill, Claudette, Danny, Erika, Fred, Grace, Henri, Ida, Joaquin, Kate, Larry, Mindy, Nicholas, Odette, Peter, Rose, Same, Teresa, Victor and Wanda.

Kate was on the list a few years ago too, but I told my husband that no storm named after me would do anything mean to Ocracoke, so I'll reiterate that, and hopefully I'll be right this year again, too.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Ghost walk

I saw my friend Amy leading a group through the village tonight. That means that "the season" has officially started: island ghost and history walks are happening again. If you're planning a visit to the island, the walks are a great way to learn more about history (and mystery) around here.

You can get more information about the walks here.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Worth remembering

The annual British Cemetery Memorial Service is scheduled for May 8th. This is a moving event, commemorating and honoring the lives of the British and Canadian sailors who died on May 14, 1942 while attempting to protect American ships from German submarine attacks during World War II. If you're going to be here on the island, I recommend attending.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Today I saw my friend Kim taking a walk. She was pulling her son in a wagon, enjoying the sunshine and getting some exercise. All while reading a book! Yes, she was reading something as she walked along (I'm not sure what...looked like a paperback, probably a novel if I had to guess.) Now that's what I call multitasking! My first thought was, "there's a woman after my own heart." I'll sneak in a moment of reading anytime I can, too. (It's the only way to get any reading at all done!)

That said, it is, of course, important to slow down sometimes and (gasp!) only do one thing at a time. That's one thing so many people love about visiting Ocracoke: the slower pace. (Which seems to be reserved for the visitors...)

Hope your life is not too filled with multitasking, wherever you are...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Good light

I have been taking pictures of Ocracoke places and landmarks for years. I have gotten some good ones, and some mediocre ones, and some awful ones. It's an old cliche, but the light makes all the difference in a photo. As I blogged about previously, a friend recently visited us who is a professional photographer. While he was here, we went for a ride around, taking pictures of the Lighthouse, Silver Lake, and the trees in Springer's Point. I was pretty proud of several of them, so I think I'll share.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Old friends

I have enjoyed two visits with old friends recently. The first was my friend Barry, who attended the same church I did in around 1997. I hadn't seen him since John and I left High Point to live here permanently, in early 2005. Barry is a professional photographer, and he graciously took a bunch of photos of Connor and gave them to me in digital format so I can have them printed or print them myself. He was here for just one night, but we certainly enjoyed his company, and getting caught up on each other's lives again.

The next visitors were my friend Sharon, whom I worked with while I was in college, and her husband Al. I hadn't seen Sharon since 1994, so I was thrilled to spend some time with her again! We went to lunch and talked our heads off, until I realized that we were the only people left in Jason's, which had closed, and we should probably get out of the poor staff's way, so they could clean up and take a break before re-opening for dinner!

This is one thing I love about living at the beach: it encourages people to come visit, so I get to see old friends who might not otherwise visit (if you didn't live in a vacation destination).

Hope you are able to keep in touch with your old friends, too, wherever you are...

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Timing is everything

Apparently I need to synch my watch with that of the Hatteras ferry captains, so I don't pull into the lot at what I think is 3 minutes before the departure time for the next ferry, only to see that the gate is closed and the ferry motoring away. Or perhaps they need to not leave 3 minutes early just because they are done loading and there aren't any cars in the lot - because one just might pull in momentarily!

This is a pain anytime it happens to anyone, but experiencing it for the first time with a hungry and tired baby just heightened my frustration at having come so close to making it. On the bright side, at least we didn't drop an entire load of lumber in the middle of Highway 12, like we did the last time we were rushing to make the Hatteras Ferry! (Of course, we missed it that time too.)

Okay, I'm done complaining now. Missing the ferry occasionally is still a small price to pay to get to live here!

Saturday, April 18, 2009


There is some lumber outside the building which used to be Captain Ben's restaurant, and which will soon house Jimmy's Buffet.

I'm curious to see what will be built with the wood stacked up there. The pieces I saw today are large (big enough to be pilings/foundational pieces), so it may be an expansion of the building itself. I'll keep you posted...


An NCDOT crew is on the island, working on a project which has been in the planning stages for several years. Funding was a long time coming, but the work to create a walking/biking trail is finally underway. I have been hearing about this idea for years at Civic and Business Association meetings, so I was pleased to see that it is finally making progress toward becoming a reality. So far, all that has been done is some clearing and grading along the side of Highway 12, but it's a start!

The same day I took the picture above, I noticed some additional clearing, this time in the village. The lot next to the O'Neals Dockside building is being cleared of trees in preparation for building.

When I first saw the work being done there, I didn't know what would be built in the space. But the next day, a sign had been added which cleared that up for me.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Don't drive and...

I looked up from work this afternoon when I noticed that a car had been stopped on the street for several minutes. I wondered why, so I watched the driver for a minute to see what she was doing. At first, I couldn't tell. She was sitting still, looking at something in her hand. Then, she raised her hand slightly, and I could see she had a cell phone in it. But she wasn't talking to anyone...she was texting. Which proves two things:
- the younger (well, younger than me) generation is more likely to text than talk
- even the younger generation can (and at least this one young lady does) choose to be responsible. So let this be a lesson to you: don't text and drive!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

April showers

If April showers bring May flowers, the ones I planted the Saturday before last should do really, really well. It has been raining all day...

I often enjoy rainy days, but today for some reason it has been making me melancholy. I'm hoping for sunnier spring days soon!

Hope it's not too gray and dreary, wherever you are...

Monday, April 13, 2009


I'm fascinated by the random things which wash up on the beach. Many of them are predictable, obviously, like seashells, seaweed, and other sea-debris. But sometimes even the predictable debris becomes interesting. I found this combination of debris visually interesting - the way the various sticks seem to be tied together by the fishing line (or whatever that string is...I didn't look closely enough to tell).

Some items are evidence of people enjoying the beach. I often see partially burned wood, which I usually assume to be the remnants of beach bonfires.

And every now and then, things on the beach are evidence of Ocracoke history. I think that these are parts of the old landing mats, which were used when there was no paved road down the island, to help ensure that cars driving off the ferry from Hatteras (which carried a whopping total of 4 cars) wouldn't get stuck in the soft sand.

Pieces of old shipwrecks, of course, are great examples of beach debris which provide evidence of Ocracoke history, but unfortunately I don't have any photos of those handy at the moment.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Or if you don't celebrate Easter, Happy Spring!

...wherever you are...

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Ocrafolk spring concert

Twice a year, the musicians and storytellers of Ocracoke (and Hatteras) hold concerts to raise money for the Ocrafolk Festival. Tonight was the spring concert, which was jam packed with excellent music and storytelling as usual. Unfortunately, my camera battery was nearly drained, so I couldn't take very many pictures, but here are a few of the ones I was able to get.

Molasses Creek was joined by "Banjo" Wes Lassiter from Hatteras.

April Trueblood (also from Hatteras) performed a couple of songs.

Baby Dee and Free Mustache Rides Again entertained the crowd.

One great thing about the fundraiser concerts is the baked goods! These young audience members enjoyed the cupcakes very much.

And all the audience members seemed to enjoy the show. Of course, with the amazing music and storytelling talent we have around here, why wouldn't they?

Arts Week

This week was Arts Week at Ocracoke School. It's an annual event, sponsored by the Arts Council, during which artists teach workshops to all of the kids, from pre-K through the high school seniors. The week is very hands-on, and the students all make multiple items and learn about different art forms. This year, the art mediums included jewelry, fiber arts, heritage crafts, and movement/performance/drama.

Today there was an assembly during which the kids showed off their work. It was really impressive, to see what they had learned and created. You don't have to take my word for are some pictures so you can see for yourself!

Batik fabrics flapping in the wind.

The first graders made sailboat models and painted duck heads while learning about the heritage crafts and history of eastern North Carolina.

The jewelry was particularly impressive. It was made with clay which, when fired in a kiln, becomes bronze. Every student made at least one piece, and they were lovely (this picture really doesn't do them justice, unfortunately.)

The performance/movement presentation was very entertaining, starting with a high energy dance by the first graders...

...then continuing with some hilarious and very creative skits, in fantastic homemade costumes.

A crowd favorite moment was the kidnapping of principal George Ortman by the alien princesses.

After the skits, the Last Rebels of Rock gave an excellent performance of a couple of songs.

I really enjoyed seeing the kids work, and watching them show off their talents. It was a seriously fun way to spend a few hours of a Friday afternoon.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Easter egg huntin'

The first grade class Easter egg hunt was held in our yard this afternoon. It was a wonderful, sunny day, perfect for this activity.

John, Mary Ellen and I hid an entire box of eggs, including three special "golden" ones whose finders would win prizes.

The kids searched high and low and found all the regular eggs very quickly.

The golden eggs were much more difficult to find (I hid them really well!), but Jamie, Jesus and Emily eventually succeeded.

After the hunt, the kids enjoyed a picnic of juice, fantastic gooey cupcakes, and (of course) some hard boiled eggs in every color of the rainbow.

And (also of course) here's the obligatory group photo.

It was a fun afternoon. Happy Easter, in advance!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A good sign

That's a picture of the sign at Ocracoke Coffee Company. Yes, it's set to open. And yes, I was inside ordering my first (of many!) smoothie of the season within seconds of seeing the sign and taking the photo. It even made me a bit late for work, but I wasn't missing my first chance at some cold, fruity deliciousness!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Ups and downs

The temperature dropped over 20 degrees last night. It has been warm for a few days, then cold, then warm again for the last couple of weeks. The end result for me has been an ongoing stuffy nose. My body is really not a fan of major temperature changes, and usually results to them by becoming mildly ill.

It's also possible that I'm allergic to something, because my eyes often itch. I am ready for some spring rains to wash out all the pollen!

Okay, I'm done whining now. :) I love living here, I really do. If I have to put up with wild temperature changes and pollen in the spring, it's a small price to pay.

Monday, April 6, 2009

More ferry changes

If you are planning a trip to the island and anticipate coming on one of the mainland ferries (from Cedar Island or Swan Quarter), you need to know about the new process and requirements for reservations. Here's some info:

- If you make an advance reservation (highly recommended, especially during the summer season), you will be required to provide a credit card number to purchase the ticket at the time you make the reservation.

- You can now reserve your spot and purchase your ticket online ( Or you can still do so by calling 800-BY-FERRY.

- If you need to cancel, you must do so by calling 800-BY-FERRY before 4 PM the day prior to your scheduled departure in order to get a refund on your credit card charge.

- You may be asked for photo ID in order to board the ferry.

So there you have it, and now you can be prepared for what to expect on your next visit. Most importantly, though, once you board a ferry, enjoy the ride!

Spring planting

I bought a bunch of plants from the spring sale supporting the school. I needed lots, because John just finished moving a really long planter which used to run all the way down the side of our house (it's now up agains our fence), plus we also have three small planters on our front deck. This past Saturday, John and I worked to get all the plants into the beds and planters, and I discovered that I really enjoy having my hands in dirt. I even liked the smell of the soil! (Weird, right?)

Anyway, I hope that everything (the flowers especially, but also the mint and the strawberry plant) grows well, so I can post a photo later. For now, here are some "before" shots.

John prepared the soil in the porch planters. Connor sat in the shade and supervised!

All done and ready to start growing! That's mint in the bottom planter, coleus in the top two planters, and a strawberry plant in the corner between those two.

Here's the long bed down the fence. The flowers in there don't look too impressive now, but hopefully this will be a lovely riot of yellow, red, white, orange and green once they all bloom.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Catching up

I can't believe how long it has taken me to get back into the normal flow of life and get caught up on things since getting home from the cruise! So there may be a sudden flood of "catch up" blogs appearing here. If it weren't for weekends, I swear I would never get anything done. :)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

It's nifty to be thrifty

Okay, yes I know that's a really goofy blog title. Sometimes I like to be a bit silly. (Okay, yes, I know, you've already noticed...) :)

There's a new thrift store on the island, in the space at the back of the building that holds Ocracoke Coffee Company (where Java Books used to be). The space is actually shared by the thrift store and Blue Door Antiques (which, you may remember, was previously on Lighthouse Road). Thrift Store sales will benefit the Ocracoke Youth Center, which is a terrific cause to support if you ask me. (In case you don't know, the Youth Center program plans activities for kids of all ages, from babies a few months old (Connor goes to Saturday morning baby play group) up to teens about to graduate high school.)

I went into the thrift store this afternoon, after leaving the health fair, supposedly just to "check it out"...but I didn't leave empty handed. I bought five things, including one that would be difficult to impossible to find anywhere else on the island (a lamp). But I spent less than $25! I love a good thrift store, and will definitely be back!

Health fair

I went to the Health Fair at the school this morning. It was organized by Ocracoke Students Against Tobacco, and they did a terrific job! There were several informational booths, delicious snacks, health screenings, and activities for kids. I learned:
- sources of lead (and how to keep kids safe from it),
- correct installation of car seats,
- my blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol levels, and
- more than I wanted to know about the effects of smoking on the body (the jar of tar was especially disgusting)
...all within less than an hour!

Friday, April 3, 2009


I saw Philip and Amy out walking today. (It was a beautiful, warm spring day. I was, unfortunately, stuck inside working. Have I mentioned that my desk is right next to a window? Makes for sad times when I can see how lovely the weather is outside, especially when I can also see my friends out there enjoying it.)

Anyway, what makes this a blog worthy moment is that, as Philip and Amy walked by, they waved. I was quite sure they couldn't see me through the window since it was much brighter outside than where I was sitting. (When I talked to Amy about it later, she confirmed they, indeed, could not see me.) But they were waving just the same, just in case I could see them. Wasn't that sweet?

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Upcoming entertainment options

Things are certainly starting to pick up around here, as additional businesses open for the season, the weather gets warmer, and more visitors start appearing. My inbox has been the recipient of several announcements about upcoming events. So here's the latest one from Howard's Pub.







Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Entrepreneurship for Small Business Lunch

I am having a hard time getting caught up and back in the routine of my usual life, after coming back from vacation. So that's my excuse for all the informative but probably not particularly entertaining or thought provoking blogs recently. (Well, heck, maybe most of my blogs aren't entertaining or thought provoking for you...I don't know!) Anyway, here's another one about an upcoming event, copied from the email I received about it.

& N.C. Northeast Commission, and N.C. Department of Commerce

Invite you to an INDUSTRY LUNCHEON
(Focusing on Entrepreneurship for small businesses)

April 23, 2009 12:00 pm-2:00 pm
Ocracoke Community Center
Director, Commerce Business Center
Raleigh, NC

Everyone is invited. Please RSVP by Friday-April 17, 2009. at
(252) 926-9171. Lunch will be provided by the N.C. Northeast Commission.