Saturday, April 18, 2009


An NCDOT crew is on the island, working on a project which has been in the planning stages for several years. Funding was a long time coming, but the work to create a walking/biking trail is finally underway. I have been hearing about this idea for years at Civic and Business Association meetings, so I was pleased to see that it is finally making progress toward becoming a reality. So far, all that has been done is some clearing and grading along the side of Highway 12, but it's a start!

The same day I took the picture above, I noticed some additional clearing, this time in the village. The lot next to the O'Neals Dockside building is being cleared of trees in preparation for building.

When I first saw the work being done there, I didn't know what would be built in the space. But the next day, a sign had been added which cleared that up for me.

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