Monday, April 20, 2009

Old friends

I have enjoyed two visits with old friends recently. The first was my friend Barry, who attended the same church I did in around 1997. I hadn't seen him since John and I left High Point to live here permanently, in early 2005. Barry is a professional photographer, and he graciously took a bunch of photos of Connor and gave them to me in digital format so I can have them printed or print them myself. He was here for just one night, but we certainly enjoyed his company, and getting caught up on each other's lives again.

The next visitors were my friend Sharon, whom I worked with while I was in college, and her husband Al. I hadn't seen Sharon since 1994, so I was thrilled to spend some time with her again! We went to lunch and talked our heads off, until I realized that we were the only people left in Jason's, which had closed, and we should probably get out of the poor staff's way, so they could clean up and take a break before re-opening for dinner!

This is one thing I love about living at the beach: it encourages people to come visit, so I get to see old friends who might not otherwise visit (if you didn't live in a vacation destination).

Hope you are able to keep in touch with your old friends, too, wherever you are...

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