Saturday, April 11, 2009

Arts Week

This week was Arts Week at Ocracoke School. It's an annual event, sponsored by the Arts Council, during which artists teach workshops to all of the kids, from pre-K through the high school seniors. The week is very hands-on, and the students all make multiple items and learn about different art forms. This year, the art mediums included jewelry, fiber arts, heritage crafts, and movement/performance/drama.

Today there was an assembly during which the kids showed off their work. It was really impressive, to see what they had learned and created. You don't have to take my word for are some pictures so you can see for yourself!

Batik fabrics flapping in the wind.

The first graders made sailboat models and painted duck heads while learning about the heritage crafts and history of eastern North Carolina.

The jewelry was particularly impressive. It was made with clay which, when fired in a kiln, becomes bronze. Every student made at least one piece, and they were lovely (this picture really doesn't do them justice, unfortunately.)

The performance/movement presentation was very entertaining, starting with a high energy dance by the first graders...

...then continuing with some hilarious and very creative skits, in fantastic homemade costumes.

A crowd favorite moment was the kidnapping of principal George Ortman by the alien princesses.

After the skits, the Last Rebels of Rock gave an excellent performance of a couple of songs.

I really enjoyed seeing the kids work, and watching them show off their talents. It was a seriously fun way to spend a few hours of a Friday afternoon.

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