Thursday, April 30, 2009


Some people spring clean. Okay, most people spring clean. I am not a huge fan of cleaning, so I haven't yet done any official spring cleaning. I do, however, like to organize things.

So the other day I had a moment. I opened a drawer in my kitchen and just knew it was time to fix it. I didn't take a "before" picture, but you can imagine what it was like. You probably have a junk drawer like this in your house - you know, the one with the random ketchup packets, clips, plastic wrap, twist ties, ziploc bags, etc, etc.

Mine was ridiculous. It was difficult to find anything in there, plus it was somewhat scary just to open it and wonder what you might find next.

So after I had my moment of realization that something had to change about this ^%$#* drawer, I remembered that I had available to me just the items I would need for the perfect solution: many, many empty plastic containers which had prevoiusly contained baby food.

Here's the "after" picture.

Okay, so maybe the OCD-ness of this drawer is scarier than the mess was. But hey, it works for me, and I can now find everything in there!

Hope your life is not too disorganized (unless you like it that way!), wherever you are...

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