Monday, December 15, 2008


I saw multiple people running today:
- One guy was completely bundled up - of course, he's completely covered (head to toe, including hooded sweatshirt) every day when he runs, even in July.
- One was not very covered up at all, especially considering it was a bit chilly.
- One was wearing medium-coverage clothing.

I admire them for running in cold weather. Heck, I admire them for getting some exercise in any weather. I seem to lack the discipline or focus or something.

I believe there are only three reasons that adults should run:
- exercise
- emergency/danger
- the ferry is about to leave; your car is on the ferry, but your body is not. I have run for the third reason, luckily haven't had too many times I needed to run for the second reason. And the first reason? Well, I do believe in exercise. I just choose to walk. I can look much more coordinated and graceful while walking.

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