Saturday, December 20, 2008

Luminaries and lights

We drove past the Methodist Church this evening, after dark. We did it multiple times, very slowly. So did a bunch of other people. The road was lined with luminaries to show the way, so we turned off the car lights. Why did we do this? To see the live nativity, which was lovely. I adore this particular Christmas event, because it's a bit of quiet and peace in the midst of the frenzy of holiday planning and parties. (Sorry, I didn't take any pictures...)

After driving past the nativity, we stayed in the car, wandering around the village to check out the Christmas lights on the houses and businesses. We saw several good ones (including all the award winners), but in general it seems that there are fewer decorated places this year than during previous Christmas seasons. Maybe a result of the general downturn in the economy, which of course affects people on Ocracoke just as it does folks everywhere else (perhaps more, since most island residents are dependent on tourism for their incomes; and discretionary spending - including travel - may be one of the first areas that people cut back when times are tight). I don't know if this is the reason for the fewer lighted homes or not, but it makes sense to me that it might be.

Hope Christmas will be full of light for you, wherever you are, and whatever the economy does...

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