Thursday, December 18, 2008

Life affirming

I went to the school holiday concert tonight. When the pre-K and Kindergarten kids started singing "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer", I nearly burst into tears. No, Rudolph doesn't make me sad. It was just so sweet and life-affirming. I love watching children grow up and learn, something I have a wonderful opportunity to do because I live in such a small town. As Ms. Kitty (the school art teacher, and music club leader, who acted as the master of ceremonies for the show) said, "it really does take a village...and this is is a really great village".

Here are a few pictures, starting with the cute "Rudolph"-singing pre-K and Kindergarten kids.

The first graders showed us how to do the "merry hula".

There were several duet performances by talented young musicians.

The third through fifth graders wished the audience a Merry Christmas, Ocracoke style.

My favorite part is always the finale, when the entire school population (students, teachers, and staff) piles onto the stage to sing "Merry Christmas".

Hope this season is life affirming for you, wherever you are...

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