Thursday, December 18, 2008

Stockin' up

We went to New Bern yesterday to pick up my sister at the airport. After eating some lunch, we hit WalMart. We hit it hard. Especially the baby food aisle. We got so many jars of food that the employee who was stocking took pity on us and gave us boxes to put them in to take home! And we still only got about 3 weeks worth.

You really can get most of what you need right here on the island at either the Community Store or the Variety Store, but there aren't always quite as many options as you find at other places. Many times - like in the often-overwhelming cereal aisle - that's a GOOD thing. Anyway, when we leave the island for any reason, shopping is usually part of the excursion. The challenge for us becomes how to get all the goodies into our car (a Sebring convertible), along with the three adults and one baby already in there! John is really good at packing things into every available space, though, so we got it all in there. The funny thing was we didn't do that much Christmas shopping; instead, we stocked up on neccessities like food, cleaning supplies, etc. But there's only so much space, so something had to give. I think this is one of the reasons that so many of the people who live on the island have large vehicles - trucks and SUVs, mostly.

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