Sunday, December 28, 2008

A farewell potluck

We went to a potluck at the Community Center tonight. The food was terrific (of course!), but the reason for the dinner was a bit sad. Matt, the PA at the Health Center, is leaving to take a job on the mainland. He will certainly be missed.

At the moment, for healthcare on the island, we have Dr. Moore on duty one week, then Matt the next week, then back to Dr. Moore, and so on and so forth. Once Matt leaves, we'll have Dr. Moore one week, and then...well, it's TBD. This is one of the unique things about living on Ocracoke - you simply have to accept that some of your options are limited (unless you go off-island). There's one location for health care, one day care center, one school, one place you can get your hair cut. There are no medical specialists or dentists. I don't mind (in many ways, it makes life simpler), but I certainly can understand that it would make some people nervous about living (or even visiting) here.

We have visitors at the moment, and I don't think they are nervous. On the contrary, they greatly enjoyed the potluck (everyone is invited to an Ocracoke potluck, as long as you bring some form of food!) They commented about how great it must be to go to events like this, where you know everyone's name, and even what they will probably cook to bring and share! Things like that make the little inconveniences seem inconsequential. I would much rather live somewhere with the potlucks and sense of community we have here than in a place with multiple options for services which - while important - don't provide the same sense of belonging.

Hope you have both the services you need to care for your body, and community and friends to care for your spirit, wherever you are...

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