Monday, November 3, 2008

Morning errands, small town style

I ran several errands this morning, and thoroughly enjoyed the many reminders of why I love living in a small town.

First, I went to the church. It was unlocked, of course, so I could pop into the back and pick up a copy of the daily devotional magazine Upper Room for November and December (which I forgot to grab yesterday morning).

Then, I went to the Post Office. I got there a few minutes before they opened. That usually doesn't matter, as the boxes are accessible 24x7, so you can always get your mail, but when I emptied my box I discovered I had a package, so I waited for Celeste to come in for the day, chatting with a handful of other people as they came and went. Once she arrived, Celeste gave me not only my package but also a handful of extra Ocracoker newspapers, as there's a picture of Connor on the front. Then Barbara helped me carry my mail to the car, as I had a medium box, another small package, a handful of mail, and Connor in his carrier.

At the Variety Store, I talked with several people, all of whom oohed and aahed over Connor (he IS really cute). Marcy, specifically, really liked his outfit (she had given it to me for him the day before). After I was done shopping, Jim carried the groceries out to the car for me (since I had hands full with Connor). He got ahead of me while I was putting the cart back, but that didn't matter since he knows which car is mine.

Finally, I went to the water plant to pay my bill. Janie and I picked up our conversation right where we had left it off when I stopped by to pay last month's bill.

When I got home, I realized that through the entire hour or so it took to run my errands, I had been smiling. It was a terrific way to start a Monday!

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