Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Tonight was the annual Fall OPS membership meeting and potluck. The food was absolutely fabulous, even better than most potlucks. Which is saying a lot...as linguist Walt Wolfram, the guest speaker for the evening, put it: "Ocracoke has the best potlucks". So this one was the best of the best. One of my favorite dishes was the scallops which were in a terrific creamy sauce and of course were as fresh as can be. I told you this wasn't your average potluck!

After the meal, Walt showed a portion of the recently released DVD from the NC Language and Life Project, "Carolina Brogue". What he showed was the special features, which were three short tributes to well known and loved (and, now, missed) Ocracokers David Esham, Roy Parsons, and Muzel Bryant. Family and friends of the three had been invited to attend the potluck and meeting, and several were there. The tributes were touching, and seemed to be enjoyed by all. If you knew any of those three O'cockers (or even if you didn't, but if you just enjoy hearing and/or learning more about the Ocracoke brogue), I highly recommend the DVD. They are available from the OPS museum and would make excellent Christmas gifts for anyone who loves Ocracoke.

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