Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A walk on the beach

I took a walk on the beach today, and reflected on how I don't do that nearly often enough at home. I love walking on the beach, and would do it much more often if a) I didn't have to work and b) the beach was right across the street from my house.

Just kidding on that second part - I am actually really glad that there is no development on the beach on Ocracoke. Even though I appreciated the convenience of the short walk to get to the beach (down the drive of the condo complex and across the street), the fact that the view to my side as I walked down the sand was of high-rise buildings was a reminder of how lucky we are that the island's beaches are still all natural. I also hadn't realized how clean our beaches are until I saw the amount of litter here. Tomorrow I'll have to take a plastic bag with me on my walk.

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