Friday, October 31, 2008


Writing is an interesting endeavor. I usually enjoy the final product, but sometimes hate the process. I'll sit and stare at my blank laptop screen, wondering where to start and think "why did I volunteer to write this article?" I sometimes even get partway through something, which hasn't started to "gel" yet, and think "what the heck do I think I'm doing here? I can't write!" The seriously funny thing is when I go back and read my work months, weeks, or sometimes even as soon as just days later, I often think "hey, that's not bad...did I actually write that?"

Blogging is a different type of writing for me. I'm much less formal here, and often use colloquialisms or odd phrases. It's an interesting sensation to wonder whether my readers will hear a sentence like "What's that about?" in their minds the way I hear it in mine and therefore the way I intend it to be heard. It's this need to trust that my audience will find what I mean that makes writing a real challenge. Which is why I'll probably never give it up...even when I'm sitting and staring at a blank Word document or blog entry form and wondering why I'm doing this again.

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