Friday, October 17, 2008

Covered up in catalogs

I swear, every year, Christmas shopping starts earlier and earlier. Here on Ocracoke we don't notice it as much, since we don't have Target or WalMart or Food Lion to walk into and see that they are already starting to sell Christmas goodies. But there's another way I notice that the shopping season is upon us: my mailbox gets stuffed to bursting with catalogs. This is partially my own fault, as I am a catalog shopper so once I get on someone's list as a "live one", I'm quite sure they sell my name and address to 32 other catalog companies, and it's off to the races. Right now, there's a small pile (okay, some people would say large...there are 8 catalogs in it) on my couch. And those are just the ones that I brought home from the Post Office - I threw several away!

I'm having a deja vu moment here. Have I already blogged about this? If so, please accept my apologies for the repeat. And now, I'm going to go read some catalogs...

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