Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Mosquito repellant

I got an email a while ago which presented a list of little known "facts". Things like "you can clean a toilet bowl with Coke" and "there are 18 different animal shapes in the Animal Crackers zoo". I have no clue whether any of them are true (I suppose the Animal Crackers one would be pretty easy to verify, though) but there was one which I sincerely hope is NOT correct. It said "mosquito repellant doesn't repel; it hides you".

Now, I don't know about you, but I want my mosquito repellant to be, well, repellant. Not "hider". With something which merely "hides" me, the pesky creatures could bump into me entirely by mistake, even though they didn't realize I was there. And they would, I assure you, make a meal of my blood even though finding me was an accident. They would think of it as a happy accident. Lucky for them, not so much for me.

No, I want mosquitos to smell me with repellant on and be horribly repelled. I mean disgusted. I want them to get one whiff and think "eeeewww, there is something nasty over there; it smells like bad garbage combined with old eggs and rotten skunk." I want them to strongly desire to not go anywhere near anything that smells that terrible. That would work for me.

Can you tell that the mosquitoes have been out in force and - quite literally - bugging me recently? The bug spray truck has been coming by every night - sometimes twice a night - but the miniature vampires (at least the ones that live near my house) are apparently immune. They have been so bad that I recently saw a couple taking a short walk down Howard Street wearing long pants, closed shoes, socks (tucked in to the shoes), and full coats with hoods - they had very little exposed skin, and it wasn't cold. I'm not kidding.

Hope there aren't a million mosquitoes in your neck of the woods, wherever you are...

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