Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Chicken dinner!

I was recently asked by a visitor to the island where he could get a "cheap, home cooking type meal". I told him that "cheap" would be difficult, and named a restaurant which is somewhat more "home cooking" than "upscale dining". I then told him that the fact there isn't a place like that on the island - serving, say, fried chicken or meatloaf or other comfort foods - is the reason that any fundraiser dinner which offers either chicken or barbecue is immediately mobbed.

Ocracoke Child Care is planning a fundraiser of BBQ chicken, which I know will be swamped, so I'm planning to go early. If you will be here on Oct. 29th, and you like BBQ chicken, you should go too. It's for a good cause, and I'm sure the food will be yummy. But get there as soon as possible after it starts!

Here are all the details:
$10 per dinner (includes drink)
Wednesday October 29th at 4:00 PM
Ocracoke Community Center

You can take your dinner home or eat it there. There will also be a bake sale and T-shirt raffle.

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