Monday, January 14, 2008

Leaving a legacy

Two years ago, when John and I visited Epcot Center, we had our picture taken for the "Leave a Legacy" wall. I wasn't sure at the time when we would ever get to see the picture. Well, we got to see it today!

First, we had to go to the Leave a Legacy Locator station to find out where our picture was (on which wall of the several walls). We received a card with a six step process to find ourselves: find the section (E), then the row (4), then the wall (G), then the panel on that wall (17), then count up 4 blocks and over 21 blocks. Whew! Well it took a bit of trial and error, but we finally found ourselves! (Photos below.)

John pointing to our tiny block amongst all the others in E-4-G-17:

The picture itself:

(Yes, that's me with the butterfly painted on my face. That had been done at the Animal Kingdom park earlier in the day. I figure if you're going to leave a legacy, have some fun with it!)

For those of you interested in the continuing saga of my internet access for blogging, tonight I'm sitting in my car in the parking lot of the River Island section of the resort. The actual building has closed for the evening, but the wireless works in the parking lot, and this area is closer to our villa than the main building where I have been going for the last few nights. The things I do to blog... :) It is quite chilly here tonight (especially for Florida!), so I'm heading back to the villa now for a soak in the tub (my feet ache from walking all over Epcot...)

Hope you are staying warm, wherever you are. I assume it must be cold everywhere since it's this darn cold here!

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