Thursday, January 17, 2008

Big fun!

We (John, my Mom, me, plus John's son and our grandkids John-John, Jordan and Jacob) had a fun day at Disney Quest today. What's Disney Quest, you ask? Basically a HUGE arcade, only with much more fun games, including several virtual reality activities.

Here were our favorite things:

John-John - the design and then ride your own roller coaster, Cyber Space Mountain. I went on this one with him, and was really happy he only made us go upside down once!

Jacob - Pirates of the Caribbean Search for Buccaneer Gold virtual adventure - in which we shot cannons repeatedly and earned over 3000 pieces of gold. Unfortunately, it was virtual gold. Darnit!

Jordan - loved making her own keychain. She got a dog tag shape, which says Disney Quest on one side, and has her name IN ALL CAPS on the other side.

Grandma Kati - spending time with my sweet grandkids at Disney Quest. Aaawww.

Here are a couple of pictures.

Jordan, John-John, and Jacob on the giant pinball machine:

Jordan and Jacob learning to draw Donald Duck:

Hope your life includes big fun, wherever you are!

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