Wednesday, January 30, 2008


I used to have a funny book called "Everything I Need to Know I Learned from My Cat". It contained cute drawings of cats in a variety of poses, and pithy advice such as "while the public generally appreciates good grooming, they do not generally appreciate it in public".

The lesson I need to learn from my cats is how to focus. I have self diagnosed adult ADHD. Actually, I think it is work induced. Just when I get started on something and am managing to pay enough attention to the task to make progress, the phone rings, or I get an email, or...well you get the idea.

Anyway, today my cats were providing an excellent example of focus, sitting completely still and staring at the wall. A friend used to call this "communing with the mother ship" when her cats did it. Her joke was that they were listening for messages from outer space, and sending information back about the humans they were observing (that would be us).

My cats were not doing anything that interesting. They were watching an anole which was on the wall outside the screened porch. We see plenty of those little green guys around here. I shudder to think how many my kitties eat, but I guess that's the food chain.

Hope you are able to focus, wherever you are...

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