Monday, January 21, 2008

Found one!

Finish this sentence: "everybody loves..."

Okay, now start a business based on that premise. Starbucks finished the sentence with "coffee". For eBay, it was either "a bargain" or "winning" or "finding really hard to find things". And there's a new (at least to me) fad started by finishing that sentence with the word "cupcakes".

There's a whole cupcake movement, I swear. Who knew? I first heard about this odd phenomenon from Sundae, who sent me a link to this blog. I was fascinated and amazed to see the examples of cupcakes on which people have obviously spent hours. I was completely flabbergasted when I learned that there are entire stores which sell only cupcakes. I'm not kidding. See the list on the blog linked above if you don't believe me - it shows more than 20 cupcakeries (I don't know if anyone else calls them that, or if I made it up...but it certainly fits) in New York alone!

Anyway, I saw a cupcake shop with my very own eyes so now I know for sure that America is crazy. The one I saw is in Savannah:

Okay, so clearly this place doesn't limit itself to cupcakes only, since it also sells "gifts", but it is obviously a cupcake-themed store and therefore fits the category. No, I didn't go in and check out the wares, so I can't give you a first hand account. I suspect they were, well, sweet and delicious, as all cupcakes are.

Now I'm going to go back to trying to finish that sentence, so that I can start a business and make a few million bucks. I can only wish!

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