Friday, May 9, 2008


I stopped in at the Health Center today. I didn't have an appointment, and I wasn't sick. In fact, it was actually time for them to close for lunch, but they were still there when I popped in to say hello to my friend Jamie, who started working there recently. She was preparing bills to mail, and pulled mine out of the stack to hand it to me. No need to pay postage since I was right there!

While we were chatting, Dr. Moore came out and asked how my finger was healing. He immediately noticed I had a bandaid on, and asked why. I explained that the skin was a bit dry and not yet completely healed, to which he said "come back here and let me look at it". He took a quick look, and gave me a sample of an antibiotic cream to use on it until it completely heals.

A few minutes later, another patient came to pay her bill. She was $6 short, to which Jamie said "no problem, just bring it by later."

I enjoyed both of these examples of what health care is like on the island. It's mostly about relationship, and not focused only on revenue. Jamie even commented that she enjoys working there because she gets to see islanders that she knows (she previously worked in a tourism based establishment, and saw mostly visitors).

It was just another example of what makes Ocracoke a wonderful community to call home. Hope you are healthy and happy, wherever you are...

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