Sunday, May 25, 2008

How to live on an island

I have a book called "How to Live on an Island". It offers several pithy pieces of good advice, including things like:
- "dance on edges"
- "sugar yourself with sand"
- "ride rusty bikes"
- "build castles and leave them for the moon to find"

All of those are also good advice for how to enjoy time on an island, regardless of whether you live on one permanently.

Then there's this word to the wise, which applies more to island residents:
"expect company".

Now THAT'S true advice! Our weekend guests (my friend Steve and his daughter Jamie) left this morning, and our friends Randy and Dianne will arrive tonight. We are blessed to have a house big enough to welcome friends and family, and share this lovely place with them.

My favorite word of advice from the book is a single one: Thank.

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