Friday, May 30, 2008


I know I have blogged about this topic before, but I just have to say again how much I appreciate the care John and I have received from the Ocracoke Health Center. John recently had an outpatient surgery in Nags Head, to remove a cyst from his back. The wound will need to be dressed every day for several weeks, so Dr. Moore has been meeting him at the Health Center to do that. He'll meet him there tomorrow and Sunday, too...days they are not even usually open.

After my cat Jamie bit me, I also went into the Health Center on Saturday (and again on Sunday), just to be double checked before I left for Colorado.

This is what health care should be everywhere...truly care.

As John was coming back from his daily wound dressing yesterday, he noticed a beagle walking down the street without a person. When he got home, he asked me to call Marcy to make sure it wasn't one of her dogs. I did that, but got her answering machine. So I left a message and then headed out down the street on my bike to see if I could find the dog. I found Marcy outside instead. She had heard my message and confirmed that the runaway (walkaway?) beagle wasn't one of hers. She did, however, know whose it was, including the dog's name. She called for Pixie until the beagle came back, and then Marcy carried her across the street to the home where she belongs.

Oh how I love this circle of caring and being cared for, where neighbors look out for one another (and one another's animals) and Doctors go out of their way to make sure their patients (also their neighbors) get the best possible healing.

Ocracoke is a wonderful place to visit. It's also a terrific place to live.


tunnellj said...

what about the friendly front desk person at the clinic? I hear she's awesome --

Anonymous said...

It is wonderful!
Last Saturday morning I was chatting with Molly on Skype about her little bike accident, when Dr. Moore called to check up on her. We then commented on what a special place we live in... :)