Tuesday, June 30, 2009

4th of July Celebrations

Here's the schedule for celebrating Independence Day here on the island. Hope you can join in the activities if you're here!

9 AM Flag Raising Ceremony - School Road, School Circle (Ocracoke Boy Scouts)

9:30 AM - Noon - 33rd Annual Sand Sculpture Contest - NPS Life Guard Beach

10:00 AM - Noon - Ocracoke Ponies - behind OPS Museum

10:00 AM - 2:00 PM - Classic Car Show - Lawn at Pony Island Motel pool area

10:00 AM - 2:00 PM - Ocracoke Lighthouse open for public viewing for the 11th year with guides Chester Lynn and Dale Mutro - this is the ONLY day of the year you can step inside the Lighthouse (no, sorry, you still can't climb it)

10:00 AM - 10:30 AM - The Herd Sky Diving Demonstration - Pony Island Motel lawn (time may vary due to weather conditions for flying)

3:00 PM - Old Time Ocracoke Parade - anyone can participate (drive, bike or walk) but you must pre-register by 6 PM on July 2 (forms are available at the Post Office or the OPS Museum, or call 252-928-6622 for more information)

At the end of the parade, there will be entertainment, awards, and the singing of the National Anthem at the OPS Museum

9:00 PM - FIREWORKS!!! - NCCAT Campus Building (former Coast Guard Station) - walking is recommended as the large NPS parking area near the OPS museum will be blocked off

Have fun!


Tammy Elrod said...

As much fun as all that sounds, I don't know if I would like being there for 4th of July. Is it really different with all the people there?

It would be interesting to hear it from the perspective of a resident.

Happy 4th!


Ocrakate said...

Hi Tammy ~

Yep, the 4th of July is definitely the busiest day of the year here, and having all those people on the island definitely does make for plenty of traffic, waiting lines at restaurants, etc.

But on the 4th, there's so much fun activity that the busy-ness feels high-energy, so I don't mind it at all.

(It also helps a lot to know that it's only one day that it will be this busy!)

Happy 4th to you too!