Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Girl's night

Jocelyn and I enjoyed a "girl's night out" this evening which was a lot of fun. We started out by attending a jewelry and handmade greeting cards party (I told you it was a girl's night!) at Mary Ellen's house.

Just in case you don't believe me that this was a "girl thing", here's a picture of some of the party attendees. Not a guy in sight!

After the party, we (and LOADS of other people) headed over to Dajio, the new restaurant located where the Pelican restaurant was previously. We got a sneak peek at the menu, which looks quite varied and unique, and also enjoyed sampling some of the appetizers, which were delicious. We also learned the origin of the restaurant's name: the letters D A J I O stand for "Doug And Judy In Ocracoke". The couple who own Dajio previously owned an award-winning, nationally acclaimed restaurant in Kentucky (if I remember correctly), and have visited Ocracoke frequently. Dajio is the culmination of their desire to someday live and have a restaurant here. Now isn't that cool?

And just in case you don't believe me about the loads of people at the Dajio open house, here's a shot of the patio during the event. This is just one small area...there were plenty more people inside the bar screened porch space, too.

Dajio opens officially for the season in a few days. I will certainly eat there soon and let you know what I think.

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