Thursday, June 25, 2009

Every now and then's good to do something out of your usual routine or norm. For me, tonight, that was watching a movie I wouldn't ordinary expect to enjoy. I'm honestly not even sure how this movie ended up at my house, but my best guess is that my sister put it in my Netflix queue while she was visiting.

Anyway, it's called The Salton Sea. It's somewhat odd, but quite engaging, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. (In the interest of full disclosure, I do tend to like most movies, of all genres. I have watched and rated hundreds of movies since we subscribed to Netflix, but I've only ever rated one "hated it". Don't's a very popular movie, and you probably loved it, but I ... well, like I said, I hated it.)

The cool thing about The Salton Sea (and what makes it so engaging) is that it's difficult to figure out, which is saying a lot for me as I often predict with strange accuracy what's going to happen in movies. (It's not that I'm psychic...but after you see hundreds of movies, if you pay attention to the structure of story, you can generally pin down how most of them are going to go.) But I digress. I was saying that what I liked about The Salton Sea was that I didn't predict it. Not that I didn't try, it just surprised me. I love a movie that surprises me. This one, I hesitate to say, might even stump my friend Julie, and she is the QUEEN of figuring out movies. There's only one she has ever seen and not known the end, and we've challenged her several times with ones we thought were hard to predict, but she gets them every time! So Julie, if you're reading this, get The Salton Sea and let me know if you predicted it as usual, or if it can be added to the exceedingly short list of "movies that surprised Julie". :)

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