Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Dreary day

It was overcast and rainy all day, an excellent day to stay inside and read! So my sister and I did just that, and both finished our books. Luckily, I had brought several with me to our "staycation" cottage, so I just started one of the other ones.

I always take way more books than I can actually possibly read in the time available, so I've decided that this is another reason I need (okay, want) a Kindle. That way, I could take over 1,500 books with me on vacation, and no one would laugh at me for packing more books than clothes, plus I wouldn't throw out my back from carrying all the extra weight that 1,500 books would create.

So what do you think? Any Kindle owners out there? Love it or hate it? Should I get one? Share your thoughts with me, please...

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