Saturday, June 13, 2009

Staycation of sorts

I find it really interesting that the current state of the economy has resulted in new vocabulary. One example is the word "staycation". That's the idea of having a vacation, but not going anywhere (staying home...hence the "stay" part of staycation). So I'm going on staycation! (Sort of...I am not literally staying home in my own house. I am going to stay in another house, but it's probably approximately 1/4 mile from my house, so since I'm not really traveling, I think it qualifies.

I am really looking forward to being (or pretending to be) a visitor to Ocracoke again, like I used to be several times a year before moving here. I plan to go out to eat, play Bingo, go kayaking, watch movies, eat ice cream, go to the spa...and I'm sure I'm forgetting several other things. There's loads of fun to be had around here!

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