Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Risque business?

I attended a business meeting tonight (well, it was preceded by a potluck and followed by a fascinating presentation, but in between we had an official business meeting, with calls to order, motions being made and voted on, and minutes being kept).

During the course of the evening, several funny things were said which sound risque but actually weren't. Here they are for your enjoyment!

"I found my diaphragm" - me, talking of course about learning to breathe correctly and therefore sing better!

"I am no longer a blog virgin" - Cynthia, talking about the fact that I was the first person to blog about her

And the phrase "natural endowments" was used several times during the business portion of the meeting. We were talking, of course, about the wonderful natural things which exist on the island. What did you think we meant?

There was an extensive discussion during the meeting, followed by a vote which went the opposite way than I voted. Ah, democracy and majority rules. I hope we made the right decision for the long term of the organization we were discussing. So we did get some actual business done, in addition to having odd conversations which sound like they mean something other than what they actually mean.

I enjoyed the meeting thoroughly and laughed a lot (in addition to eating way too much wonderful food - I love potlucks!)

I wish all business meetings were that fun, actually.

1 comment:

tunnellj said...

risque is right! You ought to be ashamed. :)