Thursday, May 31, 2007

Lions and tigers, definitely not. But bears, apparently so.

I always take with a grain of salt the times someone tells me that they saw something on Ocracoke which hasn't been documented as being here, or just logically shouldn't be here. One example is deer. Every so often, someone will say they saw a deer. My response is always to smile, while inwardly thinking "I'll believe that when I see it myself". Maybe it's possible for a deer to swim the 5 miles across Hatteras Inlet, but I'm betting it doesn't happen very often.

So the first time someone told me that there was a bear on the island, I didn't think there was any truth in it. The first person I heard it from said they had seen a sign warning that there was a black bear in the area, not actually a bear. I thought maybe the sign was a prank or joke of some kind.

Turns out I was wrong. There have apparently been several sightings of a black bear, including one by a National Park ranger. So the rangers have, indeed, posted signs around the island letting people know about the unique visitor.

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