Saturday, May 12, 2007

Learning to breathe

I am taking a series of three voice lessons from a lady named Cynthia. The first lesson, we sang very little, instead working mostly on a new way of breathing (from the diaphragm, instead of chest breathing). Today, we worked on that some more, and then applied it to singing. It was amazing! I have often heard about the concept of "breath support" when singing, but never learned how to do it myself. Cynthia is a great coach, and now I have personally experienced breath support and what it can do for my voice.

I have a loooong list of to do items, but I sat around and read a book today instead of doing many of them. This was a form of learning to breathe, too. I need to make sure I'm not only "doing", but also taking the time for just "being", whether that involves listening to the frogs, watching dolphins, lazing in my hammock, or simply sitting still and breathing. It's important - though difficult - to make space for this in our busy lives. But I'm trying, and I hope you will have some luck with doing so too.

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