Monday, May 7, 2007

Keeping my streak intact

No, not my "guessing the winner of the latest horse race" streak, my "blogging every day" streak. I was a bit concerned I wouldn't be able to maintain it, when the power went out a couple of hours ago. It had stayed on all day, surprisingly, but of course went off before I took the time to blog! It was only off for about an hour, and we are now back up and running again. We're watching another movie and eating pizza (another good day for that), so with any luck the power will stay on long enough to see how the plot resolves.

It is still pretty windy, and the road at Rodanthe is overwashed. Neither the mainland nor the Hatteras ferries ran today at all, as far as I know. So we are still hunkered down here, but doing fine. No flooding or anything yet. I will keep you posted if it gets any worse (assuming we have power and it is possible to do so!)

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