Thursday, July 31, 2008

Thunder and ozone

There was a terrific storm tonight, with plenty of lightning and several long, close rumbles of thunder. I was at Marcy's house and I swear I could feel the place vibrating a couple of times! There were several ladies there, rehearsing for the show on Saturday night, and at one point DeAnna was singing a song called Perfect Storm. Very fitting.

I walked home after our rehearsal and, although it wasn't a long walk, I enjoyed every second of it. The storm had cooled the air considerably, which was a welcome relief (it was very hot earlier today). So I walked slowly and breathed deeply, enjoying the fresh after-rain scent of ozone. The only way it could have been any better is if there had been no clouds so I could see the stars. But cloudless, starry nights and thunderstorms don't go together.

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