Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Bushes and books

I have been meaning, for the last several days, to stop and take a picture of my friend Nancy's hygeranium (that's hydrangea to those of you unfamiliar with what Ocracokers call them) bushes.

I have a childhood memory of a HUGE hydrangea bush, large enough for me to crawl under it and hide. Having not ever seen a bush quite that big again, I had recently begun to doubt my memory. (Or, more accurately, to wonder if it was a case of everything seeming larger because I was small.) Then I saw Nancy's bushes and knew that it is possible for hydrangeas to be that big. These are so enormous, my adult sized self could crawl under them if I wanted to hide from the world for a while!

I snapped those shots today, on my way home from the annual book sale at the Library. John and I went shortly before it ended, and came home with a bag of summer reading. I got more than twice as many books as he did, even though he has much more time to read than I do. He has already read most of one of his books, and I haven't even started one of mine!

Hope you have time to enjoy both flower bushes and books, wherever you are...

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