Wednesday, April 4, 2007


The power went out this morning at about 5:15, I assume as a result of the storm passing through the area at that time, which included a lot of lightning.

When I got up at 6:45 ish to make coffee, there was still no electricity. So I made coffee the old fashioned way: I boiled water (we have a gas stove, which I lit with a long handled lighter) and poured it through the coffee in the filter in the holder, which I had put on top of the pot. It worked fine, and I assume the coffee still tasted good. (I don't drink coffee, so I don't know for sure. John didn't complain.)

I then proceeded to figure out how to make breakfast without power. John lit the outside grill to make sausage, and the plan was to use the burner cover griddle (on the gas stove) to make pancakes and eggs. But while John was outside with the sausage, the power came back on.

I confess I was actually a tad disappointed that the power was restored relatively efficiently. I was looking forward to a candlelit breakfast and a few "unplugged" hours. At breakfast (which we did have by candlelight, although it was purely for ambiance rather than neccessity), we had a conversation about how "connected" (electronically, not interpersonally) many people are today. I sometimes wish for quiet, unconnected times but don't often have the opportunity to make them. Power outages force me to do so.

So I'll go on record as probably one of the very few people who sometimes wishes for long power outages. It's not the first time I've had an odd opinion, and it surely won't be the last!

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