Sunday, April 8, 2007

Quiet day

I had a quiet day, mostly because I slept through a large portion of it. I wish I could say it was because I had nothing to do and was enjoying being lazy, but it was actually because I have a cold which just keeps getting worse, and it finally wore me down to the point of near exhaustion. I even slept through church today - on Easter! It was actually a bit funny - many people don't go to church except on Easter (and Christmas). I go to church and didn't go on Easter!

After I woke up, I did get a few of my to-do list items done, but not all of them. If God placed me on earth to do a certain number of things, right now I am so far behind that I will never die. :)

I did get out of the house for a few minutes right near sunset. It was a lovely orange one and I was lucky enough to be looking across Silver Lake as the horizon began to glow. It is still chilly, and the island is much quieter than it was for the weekend, but there were still several cars at the open restaurants and people walking to and from dinner (bundled up warmly from head to toe).

It is supposed to get warmer next week, according to the weather forecasters. I certainly hope they are right! I miss spring.

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