Monday, April 16, 2007


I love wind chimes. We have several in our screened porch. It is really windy today, and expected to continue to be windy through tomorrow. This combination of wind chimes and strong winds creates quite a cacophony! Even the cats don't want to hang out in the porch (very unusual for them), because it is a bit loud. Yes, I could take the chimes down, but I can't easily reach them and somehow didn't find the energy to carry a chair or small ladder out there to do so.

I went to the Post Office today to send the tax forms (and the check...sigh) before tomorrow's deadline. On the way back home, I drove through several decent size puddles. "My" ducks were swimming in a big one on Loop Rd.

We had a brief power outage this afternoon (about 30 minutes). I found it funny that the power didn't go out during the downpouring storm yesterday, but went out today, with a clear blue sky. (Obviously the constant wind finally affected something...)

Later I walked through Springer's Point. I was amazed at the density of the forest in there. It is never more obvious than on windy days like today. While you are in the wooded area, you hardly notice the wind at all. Then when you come out onto the beach and almost get blown away, you remember again how windy it really is, and realize how effectively the trees block the wind. Here are a few pictures to give you a sense for how windy it was today. If you need something to compare them to, look at the picture of the duck on the sound ("Just Ducky" post on April 14). These pictures are of the same area.

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