Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Now I remember...

...why I love living on Ocracoke. Well, one of the reasons anyway! I was struck today, as I drove "up the beach" and further into civilization, by all of the things we don't have on the island. Things like billboards, large neon signs, cookie-cutter chain restaurants, and traffic. And I realized anew how grateful I am that we don't have those things.

I also saw a lovely sight this morning, as I headed out (in the dark) to catch the 6:00 AM ferry to Hatteras: moonlight silvering the water in the creeks that one crosses while driving up the island. It was peaceful and quiet, and (although I would have loved to still be in bed asleep), I was blessed to get to see that. And I did go back to sleep on the ferry.

I came home in the dark, too. (Savannah and I, after a very long day in the car, ended up on the 8:00 PM ferry back to the island.) And I saw one of my other favorite things that we have here: ghost crabs. Honestly, I prefer to see them where they belong (on the beach!) and not out on Highway 12, but I think I managed to avoid running over them. I wonder what makes them leave the safety of the sand and wander out onto the blacktop?

I'll leave you with that imponderable. I have been up since 4:45 this morning, so it is now well past time for me to sleep again!

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