Saturday, April 28, 2007

Shower under the sky

I used to think that outside showers were just for rinsing off sand after a day at the beach. Now I know better. It's not as though outside showers are not good for removing sand from bathing suits and bodies. It's just that they are also great for, well, showering. I especially love my outside shower because it has a great view of cedar branches and sky.

I took my first outside shower of the season today, and it was the perfect day for it ~ the sky was clear blue and the cedar branches were softly swaying in the breeze. I carried my extra bottles of shampoo, conditioner and body wash, and my "scrunchie" body scrubber thing out there, and left them. I hope they get to stay out there - and I get to continue showering under the sky - for a long time. Last year, there were a couple of days as late as November on which it was still warm enough to shower outside. I would be pleased if that happens again this year, because six plus months of doing so will do my soul good.

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