Saturday, March 1, 2008


Ocracoke Village is a great place to walk, run, or even bike for exercise. It's flat, safe (especially this time of year when there is very little traffic), and picturesque. I took a long walk today and enjoyed views of Silver Lake harbor, lovely old live oak trees, historic homes, old family cemeteries, and the Lighthouse.

One of my favorite things about walking around Ocracoke is the off-the-road pathways that cut through from one area to another in some parts of the Village. I walked on three of these today, and am quite sure there are more that I don't know about yet. If anyone wants to go walking with me and show me - or discover with me - more paths like these, I'm game!

The next time you visit Ocracoke (or the next time you have some free time, if you live here!), I highly recommend a walk around the Village. It's good for the heart, literally and figuratively.

Hope you are actively enjoying your home town, wherever you are...

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