Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Everyone loves the brown...SUV?

I received a package yesterday, which was delivered by my friendly UPS man. I'm not just using that as a trite phrase, either. The UPS guy who comes to Ocracoke, whose name is Grant, really is very friendly and helpful. He always brings packages into the screened porch, and will offer to bring the really heavy ones into the house for me, too. (I always open the door when I see him coming, to say hello and thanks.) I can relate to those ads that say "everyone loves the brown truck" (or something to that effect), because I do enjoy seeing it when it pulls up, both because Grant is so personable and also because it is always fun to get a package of course!

Yesterday, there was no brown truck. It was an SUV. This is the only time I've received a package since the road has been closed, so it was my first opportunity to see how UPS had arranged to continue deliveries during the bridge replacement project. Anyway, it made me smile to see this example of service providers working to ensure that life flowed as smoothly and un-interruptedly as possible for this time. It really has gone quite well, and I hardly noticed the closure at all. That's partially because, with the exception of the vacation in January, I have been a home body and not really gone - or needed to go - anywhere (at least not "up the beach", aka north) so the fact of the beach detour wasn't a reality in my world. But I certainly recognize and appreciate all the efforts that went on in the background to ensure that I could say that. The road will open tomorrow at 5 PM and these changes will become a thing of the past. I'm glad we made it through without any major issues.

It's a stormy evening here in North Carolina, and there have been several tornado watches and warnings issued in areas west of here. Hopefully the storm system will go through here quickly overnight and not cause any major problems. Speaking of overnight, I'm - yawn - headed to bed now. Sleep well, wherever you are...


Beachbum said...

Thanks so much for the wonderful blog. My family is making our annual trip to Ocracoke Island on April 6th. I always find myself day dreaming about the island in the weeks (and sometimes months before the trip), especially on warm sunny days like today. I love that can find out what's going on by regularly reading your blog! Thanks again...

Ocrakate said...

Thanks beachbum1! I often wonder if anyone is out there reading the blog, and always appreciate comments from readers so I know I'm not just writing for myself!

Enjoy your trip in April!