Saturday, March 29, 2008

A host of angels and other moving experiences

I collect angels. I display them on high (above the windows) shelves, which is great for many practical reasons (the cats can't get to them, they never need dusting, etc.). But my favorite thing about the angels being "up there" is that I always feel like there are angels watching over me.

John and I took the angels down on Friday night, so I could pack them carefully to move them to the house. I enjoyed the image of a host of angels, when they were all clustered together on the coffee table. Unfortunately, I didn't think to snap a picture until I had already packed most of them, so this shot is of only a portion of my collection.

Yes, they are standing on a puzzle which includes angels in it. :)

We moved several items over to the house today, including a loveseat. It was a really windy day so I decided to ride on the furniture in the back of the truck, to hold down the cushions so they wouldn't blow out and down the street. It was definitely the most comfortable I'll ever be while riding in the back of a truck (although it was a little chilly!)

Here's to a life filled with moving experiences, wherever you are...

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