Sunday, February 3, 2008

Peeling and painting

It was a quiet, sunny Sunday here on the island, a good day to work on projects around the house. Probably a good day to walk on the beach, too, but I don't that know from experience. I napped and worked on projects!

John and I spent several hours at our new house today. We painted most of one of the hallway walls, primarily to get a good look (bigger than the little tiny swatch they give you at the hardware store) at the color I bought yesterday. Now we have to let it dry before making a final decision on whether we like it. I think it will be fine; it's a very neutral tan color which should match anything. It beats the pink which we are covering! (No offense if you like pink, I just don't like it enough to have it covering as many of the walls of my house as it is currently covering!)

The other task we took on today was peeling the numerous hideous flower stickers off the sink in one of the bathrooms. Seriously, they were bad. Here's a "before" shot, and this was actually after I had peeled several off!

Okay, so "hideous" might be slightly too strong a word, and I like flowers as much as the next person, I just prefer the actual growing kind, and I prefer them outside. It took a while (some of the stickers had gotten somewhat dry and brittle and therefore came off in many small pieces), but all the flowers are now gone! Here's the "after" photo:

That's more like it! Hope your house looks just like you like it, wherever you are...


Anonymous said...

awww kate, you mean the flower stickers are GONE?! what AM i gonna laugh at now?!-your favorite sister

Ocrakate said...

Sorry to tell you, but you're gonna have to find somethin' else to laugh at Sis! (I'm sure you'll come up with something!)

The flowers painted on the tiles over the kitchen sink are going next!