Friday, February 22, 2008

Old and new

Something that I find unique about Ocracoke is that, for the most part, the old and the new are found alongside one another. There aren't "planned neighborhoods" where every house looks just like the one next door. Well, there aren't any yet, anyway. People who love this place do whatever they can to get to live here, and some are able to do so in style, in large lovely homes, while others live in older ones, trailers, and some even live in campers (sometimes temporarily, while building a house). While many people would disagree, I actually like this quallity of Ocracoke. It feels organic and real - rather than planned and plastic - to me.

Here's an example. This fishing shack is right next door to a house which is currently listed on the market for sale at $949,000. (They dropped the asking price from $1,000,000 a while back.) I like this one because it is an example of old and new just by itself. The brand new screen door and recently-added flagstones next to this old place make me smile. Check out the modern PVC pipe plumbing and the window AC unit too!

Don't get me wrong; I'm not making fun of it at all. I would love to own this piece of property. It has a terrific view of Pamlico Sound, and is one of the best spots to watch the sunset. (Now you know why the house next door is so pricey.)

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