Thursday, February 28, 2008

Friends, flowers and ... finally!

I spent part of this evening with friends, listening, talking and planning for the Ocrafolk Festival. At the end of the "official" discussion, we chatted and laughed about a variety of things. After everyone left, I lingered and talked now it's late and I'm tired, but I am so blessed to have friends like these that it's all worth it. (I'll remember that tomorrow morning when I'm yawning my head off while trying to work!)

Marcy gave me a gift of flowers from her garden. Now I know for sure that spring is coming: the daffodils are blooming! The weather, however, doesn't feel like spring yet, unfortunately. It's quite cold tonight. Hopefully the daffodils outside will be okay!

It seems that the road closure is almost over...finally! I received an email tonight which said that NC12 on the island will reopen at 5 PM on March 5th. It's from a good source and a press release will be going out tomorrow, so I think that's probably an accurate date.

So - as they say on The Price Is Right - "come on down"! The off season is a great time to visit Ocracoke ~ it's wonderfully quiet.

Hope your life is full of friends and flowers, wherever you are...

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