Monday, February 11, 2008

Calling all artisans!

I spent a couple of hours at the OPS museum today, making postcards to send to artisans who might be interested in having a booth at the 2008 Ocrafolk Festival. Since it was on my mind, I thought I'd share the opportunity this way too!

The Ocrafolk Festival is now taking applications for artisans who want to participate in this year's event, scheduled for June 6 - 8. If you would like to apply for an artisan booth, or you just want to get more information about the Festival, check out the official website.

Here's a picture from the 2007 Festival.

That's Molasses Creek in the middle (Fiddler Dave, Gary and Kitty) with Gerald Hampton on the left and Lou Castro on the right.

If you have never attended the Ocrafolk Festival, make plans to come this year. It's 2 days of music, storytelling, art, crafts, and fun. See you there!

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