Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Odd thoughts

I was a bit melancholy this morning, thinking about the recent death of a friend. That got me thinking about things I would like to do in my life. Which got me thinking, "what if I don't get to do those things?" So sometimes I think we have thoughts for a reason, and I really felt like I was supposed to make sure that people knew these things, in case I'm suddenly not around. (No, I'm not sick or suicidal. But accidents happen every day and I might get hit by a bus. Although that's relatively unlikely since there aren't too many buses here. But anyway...I digress.)

So here's what I want people to know, if I go to heaven earlier than expected.

I want all the parts of my body that are viable to be donated to whoever can use them, including people who need transplants and scientists for study.

I want whatever is left to be cremated, and my ashes put in Pamlico Sound off Springer's Point. (Because I'm a detail freak: I specifically want this done at sunset, right after the lighthouse comes on for the evening.)

If I don't live long enough to dance with Connor at his wedding, someone had better make sure that the third song played (after he dances with his bride and his mommy) is "You've Got a Friend in Me" (yes, the one from Toy Story) and that the videos of us dancing are shown while it is played.

That is all. So, now...back to focusing on life. I have lots more to do and as long as it is within my control, I will be around for a long while. Thanks for sharing this journey with me, wherever and whoever you are...

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